Digital News

Life-saving procedure extended to run round the clock

An innovative procedure that is saving the lives of stroke patients by physically removing blood clots is now available around the clock at Salford Royal.

Fairfield General Hospital is a blooming great place to be!

Staff and patients have benefitted from the opening of two outdoor spaces on the Fairfield General site.

Rochdale nurse Lianne thanks school artwork competition winner Lesley

Lianne Powers, ward sister at Rochdale Infirmary, spoke at a prize giving ceremony for an NHS artwork competition at St. Gabriel's R.C Primary School in Castleton recently.

Rochdale Care Organisation showcases integrated approach to reducing health inequalities

Rochdale Care Organisation leaders welcomed newly appointed Rochdale place lead and council chief executive Steve Rumbelow, and director of public health Kuiama Thompson, on a recent visit to showcase integrated working at Rochdale Infirmary.

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