Bring your medicines to hospital - Your medicines matter

5 August 2024

If you are coming into hospital, please bring all the medicines you use regularly. These may be supplied by the hospital, your GP or bought over the counter. 

Your Medicines Matter

There are many reasons we encourage patients to bring their own supply of medications from home into hospital.

  • It helps hospital colleagues to understand exactly what medicines you currently take, enabling them to prescribe your medicine correctly for the nurses to give to you.
  • It helps hospital colleagues decide on the best and safest treatment for you.
  • It helps you to continue taking the medications that you recognise at the time you are used to.
  • It reduces waste, and the cost of the hospital reissuing medicines you already have at home.
  • It helps to reduce delays of giving time sensitive medications
  • If there are changes to your medication and treatment is stopped or altered, with your approval, we can remove the altered medications and dispose of it for you. This will help avoid any confusion when you are discharged home.
  • It helps reduce delays when it is time to go home.
  • We will ensure to provide you with a minimum of seven days’ supply of medicine to take home when you are discharged from hospital, or the full course of treatment if this is applicable.

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