Salford Royal has welcomed back the successful Dining Companion scheme, which provides much-needed support to our patients at mealtimes.
Dining Companions were introduced at Salford Royal in 2019 with volunteers currently working on six wards, supporting elderly, stroke and trauma patients.
Jayne Potter, Dining Companion Co-ordinator, said: “Sometimes even just a chat with a volunteer will go a long way in improving the patient’s mood and appetite.”
The volunteers are trained to feed or support the feeding of patients, who may have a cognitive impairment like dementia or have mobility, visual or communication difficulties.
Simon Featherstone, Salford Royal Director of Nursing, attended a Dining Companion training session and thanked the new volunteers for the vital support they give.
He said: “A Dining Companion is a hugely important role and one we value enormously so I sincerely thank you all.”
Richard Bielawski, Dining Companion volunteer, said “The staff have made me feel very welcome and have accepted me as part of the team. I try to help usually with one specific patient as I think social continuity for the patient is really important, building up a relationship that helps with their recovery. It’s so rewarding.”
Anyone interested in volunteering as a Dining Companion can email or contact 0161 206 8942 for more information.