Congratulations to Dr Laura Coleman, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at The Royal Oldham, who has been awarded a prestigious fellowship on the Women in Intensive Care Medicine Emerging Leadership (WICMEL) programme run by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM).
WICMEL is a one-year programme and entry is very competitive. Dr Coleman is one of only four fellows who were successful on gaining entry to the programme this year. As part of her fellowship, Dr Coleman will undertake an Open University course to help her develop her leadership style. She’ll also be able to choose a mentor from the FICM and attend a number of their board and committee meetings.
Dr Coleman currently works as part of the multi-disciplinary ICU team at Oldham, where she is responsible for the medical care of patients and the safe delivery of anaesthesia in theatres. She is also a clinical and educational supervisor, the critical care transfer lead, obstetric critical care lead, and is responsible for leading MDT critical care simulations.
Dr Coleman said: “I’m thrilled at being accepted on the WICMEL programme. It will help prepare me for significant leadership positions and lead roles that progress the ICU department and intensive care medicine. With peer and mentor support, WICMEL will give me the confidence to fulfil my leadership potential and help me to enhance and develop my own leadership style.
“There is a great gender imbalance within medical leadership at board level and I hope to improve that. I hope to see myself as a role model for female doctors in pursuing a challenging but rewarding career in medicine and leadership.”
Well done Laura!