Karen’s lifesaving gift to partner Harry

13 March 2025

At a glance…

  • Karen donated a kidney to partner Harry after he was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.
  • In 2024, our live donor team based in the renal department at Salford Royal, supported 25 living donor transplants.
  • This week marks the first ever Living Donation Week.
Claire with Karen and Harry for Living Donation Week.jpg

Claire with Karen and Harry. 

Karen and Harry’s living donor journey began in 2023 after Harry was taken ill during a camping holiday in the Scottish Highlands.

He was admitted to hospital and it was discovered that he had kidney failure.

After ending their holiday early, the couple received a referral to the renal department at Salford Royal. Harry was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure which meant his kidneys were not working as well as they should and it was recommended that he complete the necessary tests for a kidney transplant from a living donor.

Harry said: “When I found out at first it was just a body blow because I’d never been ill in my life. Then when Karen said she would donate that made it very special because she’s my partner and I love her. She was so brave to come forward.”

Across the UK, more than 1,000 people each year donate a kidney or part of their liver while they are alive to a relative, friend or someone who is on the donor register. A healthy person can lead a normal life with only one functioning kidney and therefore they are able to donate the other to help someone in need.

Karen decided to put herself forward to donate her kidney after completing a series of checks and tests to ensure they were a suitable match. The couple’s surgery was successfully completed last year, and they have been recovering well since.  

On her decision Karen said: “I think for me it was more excitement (that I was feeling). The excitement of potentially saving somebody’s life and improving their quality of life. I felt that this was my time to properly help somebody in a really fulfilling way.”

Our live donor team at Salford Royal supported 25 living donor transplants in 2024 and have so far completed four successful transplants this year, with another 10 donors awaiting theatre dates.  

The couple recently attended for a follow-up appointment after undergoing transplant surgery and praised the work of the team including specialist nurse and team lead Claire Pitchford.   

Karen added: “The support was amazing. They were really good and are always on the other end of the phone. They answered all my questions very thoroughly and were very patient with me.

“Donating a kidney is a wonderful gift of life. Any regrets? Absolutely not!”

Claire said: “There is no upper age limit. You can donate as long as you have a relatively good level of fitness, then you can be considered. The tests we do will establish whether you’re suitable or not. We would encourage you at any age to come forward.”

This week marks the first ever Living Donation Week. You can read more about becoming a living donor on the organ donation website.

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