Two years ago (8 December 2020), Ted Jones, a volunteer at Salford Royal became the first person in Greater Manchester to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
That kick started a mammoth vaccination programme across the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (NCA) which has seen over 370,000 doses of the vaccine given.
This two-year anniversary marks a huge and sustained effort that has seen the NCA deliver vaccines across four hospital sites, countless community clinics and also saw the NCA provide leadership for the Greater Manchester mass vaccination centre at the Etihad, which alone delivered almost half a million doses of the vaccine before its closure in August 2022.
The dedicated team of vaccinators, clinicians, pharmacists and support staff have delivered vaccines to vulnerable patients in their own homes, in pop-up clinics across the north west to faith groups, community centres and specialist allergy clinics, often working around the clock to deliver an inclusive vaccination offer.
Elizabeth Lamerton, clinical lead for the vaccination programme and associate director of pharmacy at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, said:
“When we started on this vaccination journey, the world was a very different place. The COVID-19 vaccination has brought hope, restored normality for many and saved countless lives.
“I’m so proud of every colleague who’s worked in the vaccination hubs and all the many volunteers. We wouldn’t have achieved any of this without them.”
Maxine Pamphlett-Jones, assistant director of nursing – occupational health who gave Ted the first vaccine two years ago said:
“Throughout the last 2 years it has been a privilege to work on the Covid vaccination programme across the NCA.
“It’s been fantastic to play a small part in the return to normal many of us now take for granted.
“I’m proud to have worked alongside some amazing colleagues who’ve worked so hard to deliver the vaccine to thousands of people.”