NCA Staff Awards 2021 - Overall winners announced!

20 November 2021

We received 626 nominations for individuals and teams across our four Care Organisations, Diagnostics and Pharmacy Group and Corporate, Estates and Facilities teams.

The standard of nominations was very high and after much deliberation by our judging panels, we are delighted to announce this year’s award winners. We hope you will join us in congratulating our winning colleagues on their success and everyone who was shortlisted and received a nomination.

Everyone across our organisation has worked incredibly hard to support our patients, service users and each other as part of our response to COVID, under very challenging circumstances. Every single person working across the NCA should be very proud of the contribution they have made over the past two years. 

NCA Chairman's Award

Winner - Dr Jay Naisbitt, ICU Consultant, Bury and Salford Care Organisation


NCA Volunteer of the Year Award

Winner - Cygnets Team


NCA Executive Team Excellence Award

Winner - Lindsay Harper, Group Director of Pharmacy


NCA Team of the Year Award

Winner - Fairfield Theatres Team, Bury Care Organisation


NCA Research, Innovation and Education Award

Winner - Eve Hirst, Specialty Reigstrar, Emergency Department, Oldham Care Organisation

Eve Hirst Oldham research innovation and education.jpg

NCA Customer Experience Award

Winner - Adult Learning Disability Service, Salford Care Organisation


Highly Commended - Hannah Bailey, Senior Radiographer, Diagnostics and Pharmacy Group

Hannah Bailey DP customer experience.jpg

NCA Leadership Award

Winner - Dr Joel Paul, consultant virologist and Dr Paul Chadwick, consultant in microbiology/clinical director, Diagnostics and Pharmacy Group


NCA Social Value Award

Winner - Dr Joe Sebastian and Dr Shreekar Yadthore, Anaesthetics at Salford Care Organisation

Dr Joe Sebastian Salford social value.jpg

Dr Shreekar Yadthore Social value Salford.jpg

Highly Commended - Lubomyra (Luba) Szymanskyj, Technical Manager, Pathology, Diagnostics and Pharmacy Group


NCA Individual of the Year Award

Winner - Paula Challinor, Group Lead for Domestic Services in our Corporate, Estates and Facilities Function


Highly Commended - Amanda Lane, Trainee Advanced Practitioner, Haematology at Oldham Care Organisation


NCA Quality and Safety Award

Winner - Home in a Day Team at Rochdale Care Organisation


Highly Commended - Fit Testing Team with Learning and Organisational Development, Corporate, Estates and Facilities function




Below are our Care Organisation, Diagnostics and Pharmacy Group and Corporate, Estates and Facilities award winners. These winners were put forward for selection for the overall NCA Staff Award winners above.

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Kathryn Tarr - Community Stroke and Rehab team, Bury

Kathryn Tarr Bury customer experience.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - Claire Doggett - Infection Prevention and Control team, Bury

Clare Doggett Bury quality and safety.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - Orthopaedic team, Bury

Fairfield orthopaedics Bury research innovation and education.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Debbie Ellenbogen - Ward Manager, General Medicine, Ward 9

Debbie Ellenbogen Bury leadership.jpg

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Caroline Short - Volunteer Team Leader, Bury

Caroline Short Bury Volunteer.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - Fairfield Theatres

Fairfield theatre Bury team of year.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Anne Woodhouse - Activities Co-Ordinator, Ward 20

Anne Woodhouse Bury Individual of year.jpg

Social Value Award

  • Winner - Active Case Management - Neighbourhood Working, Bury Community

Active case management Bury Social value.jpg

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Covid Vaccine Research Team

Covid vaccine resarch team Corporate customer experience award.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - FIT Testing Team - all Care Organisations, Learning and Development

FIT testing with L&OD Corporate quality and safety.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - Katie Doyle, Operational Lead for the Research Management Team

Katie Doyle Corporate research innovation and education.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Louise Harrison, Lead Research Nurse at Salford Care Organisation

Louise Harrison Corporate leadership.jpg

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Cygnet Volunteers Team 

Cygnet volunteers Corporate volunteers.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - Communication Team

Comms team Corporate team of year.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Paula Challoner, Estates and Facilities

Paula Challoner Corporate Individual of year.jpg

Social Value Award

  • Winner - The Widening Participation Team

Widening participation team Corporate social value.jpg

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Hannah Bailey, Senior Radiographer, Radiology Department, Bury

Hannah Bailey DP customer experience.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - Layla Siebert, Senior Pharmacist, Network Integrated Practice Pharmacy team, Salford

Layla Siebert DP quality and safety.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - NCA Pharmacy and Business Intelligence Team, Cross NCA Team - based at North, Oldham and Salford

Pharmacy business intelligence team DP research innovation and education.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Dr Joel Paul, Consultant Virologist and Dr Paul Chadwick, Consultant Microbiology/Clinical Director, Oldham and Salford

Joel Paul and Paul Chadwick DP leadership award.jpg

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Paul, Vaccination Hub, Fairfield General Hospital

Volunteer Paul.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - NCA Pharmacy Aseptic Teams, Salford and Oldham

Pharmacy asceptic team DP team of year.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Kate Ryan, Microbiology Service Manager, Pathology at Wigan and Salford (PAWS), Salford

Kate Ryan Individual year DP.jpg

Social Value Award

  • Winner - Lubomyra (Luba) Szymanskyj, Technical Manager, Pathology, Oldham

Luba Szymanskyj DP social value.jpg

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Amanda Brazendale, Ward Manager, Ward T4, Vascular Surgery

Amanda Brazendale Oldham customer experience.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - Haematology Team, Haematology Department

Haematology team Oldham quality and safety.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - Dr Eve Hirst, Specialty Registrar, Emergency Department

Eve Hirst Oldham research innovation and education.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Lee Stone, Clinical Lead/ADNS, Oldham Vaccination Hub

Lee Stone Oldham leadership.jpg

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Christopher Gannaway, Volunteer, Voluntary Services

Christopher Gannaway Oldham volunteer of year.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - ICU Team

ICU team Oldham team of year.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Amanda Lane, Trainee Advanced Practitioner, Haematology Department

Amanda Lane Oldham individual of year.jpg

Social Value Award

  • Winner - Catherine Hives, Ward Manager, General Medical Unit

Catherine Hives Oldham social value.jpg

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Children’s Single Point of Access Team

Customer Experience Award -Children’s Single Point of Access team.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - Home in a Day Team

Quality and Safety Award - Home in a Day team.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - Community Stroke Team

Research, Innovation and Education Award - Community Stroke team.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Melinda Taylor - Clinical Assessment Unit (Awaiting photo)

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Rochdale Volunteer Team

Volunteer of the Year Award - Rochdale Volunteer team.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - Theatre Team

Team of the Year - Theatre team.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Marie Kissack - Heart Failure Service

Individual of the Year Award - Marie Kissack, Heart Failure Nurse.jpg

Social Value Award

  • Winner - Jody Cockroft - Wolstenholme Unit

Social Value Award - Jody Cockroft, Wolstenholme Unit.jpg

Click on the images for a larger version

Customer Experience Award

  • Winner - Adult Learning Disability Service – COVID-19 Vaccine Initiative for Adults with a Learning Disability

Adult learning disability team Customer experience Salford.jpg

Quality and Safety Award

  • Winner - Respiratory Support Unit

Respiratory support unit Salford quality and safety.jpg

Research, Innovation and Education Award

  • Winner - Dr Mark Roberts, Consultant Neurologist

Dr Mark Roberts Research innovation and education Salford.jpg

Leadership Award

  • Winner - Kelly McLellan, ICD Senior Manager

Kelly McLellan Leadership Salford.jpg

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • Winner - Pat Mayle, Bereavement Team

Pat Mayle Volunteer Salford.jpg

Team of the Year Award

  • Winner - Bed management Team

Bed management team Salford team of year.jpg

Individual of the Year Award

  • Winner - Susie Yao, Consultant Plastic Surgeon (Awaiting photo)

Social Value Award

  • Winner - Dr Joe Sebastian and Dr Shreekar Yadthore - Anaesthetics

Dr Joe Sebastian Salford social value.jpg   Dr Shreekar Yadthore Social value Salford.jpg

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