Hats off and massive thanks to Salford Royal Hospital Doctor Sujata Pillai who Braved the Shave for Macmillan in front of a crowd of colleagues and friends.
Sujata, a Clinical Fellow in Plastic Surgery came under the clippers of Hospital Porter Robin Pendlebury, who handily trained as a hairdresser.
Sujata said: "I'm coming up for my 30th birthday and I wanted to do something to make a difference to cancer patients.
"I've worked with head and neck, and breast cancer patients, and I've seen the emotional and physical toll that they can come under and I just wanted to do something to stand with them and raise funds for Macmillan."
Sujata, who has been at the Salford site for a year, has so far raised more than £620 in online and cash donations. Donate on the Brave the Shave website.
Salford Royal Macmillan Information and Support Centre, Deputy Manger Jess Gidley said: "Sujata is an absolute star and just radiates goodness. She was smiling, but we know it was a big deal for her shaving off her beautiful hair.
"She was determined to do something to show support for our cancer patients and Macmillan.
"It was wonderful that so many colleagues and patients came along to our centre in the Hope Building entrance to support her and cheer her on. It was a really happy, and slightly emotional event and we can't thank Sujata enough."
To Contact Salford Royal Hospital’s Macmillan Information and Support Centre, call 0161 206 1455 or drop in to the centre next to WH Smith in the hospital’s Hope Building, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4pm.