Domino the dog steals the show and brings joy to patients and staff at Salford Hospital.
Last week, Domino, a volunteer therapy dog based at Salford Royal Hospital enjoyed his moment in the spotlight while being interviewed, along with his owner Milly Peel, for Salford Now during his latest visit.
Over the last few weeks, Domino has become a regular feature at the hospital as a volunteer therapy dog. His role involves visiting patients across different hospital wards, giving them comfort and support, and raising the spirits of patients who may be missing their own dogs - or even just enjoy the presence of a friendly animal during their hospital stay.
Theodora Jones, consultant at Salford Royal said she campaigned for patients to have access to service dogs. She said: “Patients often feel isolated and disoriented. COVID has had a marked effect on this, particularly those who are frail and elderly. Service dogs help with this.”
She continued: “One of our patients missed her own dogs, she was restless and agitated, however since Domino has visited there is a significant difference in her – she is happy, relaxed, and excited about the visits. Dominos presence on wards not only has a positive impact on patients, but also on staff, with Theodora adding: “Domino is great for staff too!”
Come back soon Domino!
Volunteers make up an essential part of our hospitals, and the Northern Care Alliance are always looking for volunteers who are passionate about giving back to their local community.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please visit Northern Care Alliance | Volunteering - Northern Care Alliance - NHS Careers for more details.