Local community Facebook pages launched
23 January 2023
We are delighted to announce that we have launched a set of local Facebook pages covering Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Care Organisations.

Robert Clegg Education and Training Centre opens at Rochdale Infirmary
15 December 2022
A new education and training centre has officially opened for healthcare staff working in the borough of Rochdale, which will ultimately improve care for patients.

Special event at Rochdale Infirmary supports the vulnerable
13 December 2022
Rochdale Care Organisation hosted a special ‘Reaching Out’ event to support the most vulnerable people, including families and the homeless in our community.

Rochdale Care Organisation pilots inflation busting Car Club
18 November 2022
Rochdale Care Organisation’s HMR children’s community services team based at Callaghan House can now take advantage of an inflation busting Car Club pilot scheme.

New operating theatre at Rochdale to treat more patients
15 November 2022
Rochdale Infirmary will be able to offer more patients their day case surgery.