Supporting Documents

Supporting documents (e.g., forms, Quick Reference Guides, PowerPoint presentations) linked to an overarching 'parent' document are listed here. Please use the search box to find a specific supporting document. 

Title Attached to...
Tracheostomy Equip required for discharge (pats home continuing healthcare facility.) QRG
Tracheostomy Management Competence Assessment Booklet.pdf
Tracheostomy Oral Feeding QRG
Tracheostomy Passy Muir Valve QRG
Tracheostomy Speech Following a Laryngectomy QRG
Tracheostomy Standard Speaking Tube QRG
Tracheostomy Standards QRG
Tracheostomy Tracheal Suctioning [Hospital and Community] QRG
Tracheostomy Tracheal Suctioning in the Community QRG
Tracheostomy Training and Education QRG
Tracheostomy Tube Change in Hospital QRG
Tracheostomy Tube Change in the Community QRG
Tracheostomy Tube Downsizing QRG
Tracheostomy Types of Tracheostomy Tube QRG
Troponin Interpretation QRG
Vancomycin in Paediatrics (1 month to 18 years old) – Intravenous Dosing, Monitoring and Administration QRG
Verbal Abuse Example Letter.docx
Weekly flush, blood sampling and administration of bolus medicines central venous catheter
Withholding Treatment Example Letter.docx

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