Our Policy Hub


Bold table headings can be clicked to sort results
Title Supporting Documents Applicable to
Anticoagulation Guideline the Peri-Procedural Perioperative Management of Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants Bury Care Organisation Oldham Care Organisation Rochdale Care Organisation Salford Care Organisation Diagnostics & pharmacy
Anticoagulation Guidelines – Unfractionated Heparin Infusion N/A Salford Care Organisation
Clexane injection Low Molecular Weight Heparin - Administration of PGD N/A Bury Care Organisation Oldham Care Organisation Rochdale Care Organisation Salford Care Organisation Northern Care Alliance (all)
Enoxaparin Sodium (Clexane) for sub-therapeutic International Normalised Ratio for newly diagnosed venous thromboembolism - Administration of PGD N/A Bury Care Organisation Oldham Care Organisation Rochdale Care Organisation Salford Care Organisation Northern Care Alliance (all)
Guideline for the Investigation and Management of Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE) N/A Bury Care Organisation Oldham Care Organisation Rochdale Care Organisation Salford Care Organisation Northern Care Alliance (all)
Major Haemorrhage Protocol N/A Salford Care Organisation
Oral Anticoagulation Guidelines Salford Care Organisation
Point of Care ThromboElastoGraphy (TEG) using the 6S system in bleeding and hypocoaguability N/A Salford Care Organisation
Prevention of Hospital Acquired Thrombosis Policy for the N/A Salford Care Organisation
Therapeutic Dose Low Molecular Weight Heparins (LMWH), fondaparinux and argatroban Anticoagulation Guideline Salford Care Organisation
Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy & the Puerperium: Acute Management of N/A Oldham Care Organisation North Manchester
Thromboprophylaxis for Outpatients with Temporary Lower Limb Immobilisation N/A Salford Care Organisation
Venous Thromboembolism (Prevention of) Bury Care Organisation Oldham Care Organisation Rochdale Care Organisation

Check the 'applicable to' column in the search results to ensure you are accessing the right documents for your Care Organisation

The Policy Hub catalogues over 1200 documents, so it is important to be as specific as possible in your search to yield the desired results.

There are four search filters available:

  • Applicable to – you can select documents that apply to your Care Organisation.
  • Keywords – be as specific as possible; if you know the exact title of the document, type this in here.
  • Owner – filter results by the lead author’s Care Organisation/Corporate function if needed.
  • Reference/ID number – include this if known to find a specific document.

Each search filter is optional; you can use a combination or just one to refine your search. Results will be displayed with the most relevant first. Search results will also display any supporting documents linked to the main documents.

There is an option to extend your search results by including index searching; tick ‘Include file contents in search’. When this option is selected, the search results will include content from the main body of documents containing those terms.


  • Searching ‘sepsis’ as a keyword generates 26 results.
  • Selecting ‘Salford Care Organisation’ using the ‘Applicable to’ filter reduces this to 14 results.
  • If you then select ‘Include file contents in search’ to broaden the search for sepsis documents applicable to Salford Care Organisation, it will generate over 100 results.  

If you are having any difficulties finding a document, please contact the Document Control Team: document.control@nca.nhs.uk


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