Butler Green Enhanced Intermediate Care Unit - Oldham Community

Butler Green is a multidisciplinary team comprising of Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, GP’s, Social Workers, care staff and therapy assistants who provide holistic and highly competent assessments and rehabilitation by a skilled and multi-disciplinary team to adult patients. Butler Green works with stakeholders to provide a clinically enhanced service to the Oldham Community.

This includes the following services

  • Enhanced Intermediate care which consists of Intermediate care and Clinically Enhanced Intermediate care
  • Allied Health Professional support in A&E to work with hospital and social work staff to deflect acute admissions.
  • GP cover for the Intermediate care service
  • Transfer of care team
  • Home and community based intermediate care and IV therapy service

The services combine to provide a comprehensive service to wrap care around patient needs including:

  • In-reaching into the acute hospital to facilitate discharge provision
  • In-reaching into the acute hospital to deflect acute admissions
  • Provision of enhanced rehabilitation to patients in the intermediate care unit
  • Provision of an alternative to acute admission for patients requiring minimal clinical input.
  • Provision of intermediate care in the home
  • Provision of IV therapy services in the home and within the intermediate care unit

Intermediate care and transfer of care services provide part of the Oldham Urgent Care pathway, assisting in facilitating appropriate discharge from hospital care, providing rehabilitation after a hospital episode, avoiding hospital admission through provision of care closer to home.

Intermediate care is available for individuals who are deemed to be ‘medically stable’ for discharge, who no longer require acute hospital treatment, but need a longer period of recovery/rehabilitation before being discharged home.

Clinically enhanced intermediate care is available for patients within the community who required ‘step up’ services in order to avoid a hospital admission. 

The service provides 28 intermediate care beds to Oldham residents. The service is able to step people up into a community bed to avoid hospital admission and provide nursing and medical support in the community.

The community IV service provides community based IV therapy for patients requiring ongoing antibiotic treatment outside of the hospital, this is provided in people’s homes and within the intermediate care unit.

The Transfer of Care service works at the Royal Oldham Hospital, linked closely to the hospital social work team, hospital discharge team, continuing health care team and the intermediate care service.  The service provides targeted discharge support to the Royal Oldham Hospital.

The service works with patients and their carers/family/support network to help patients reach their maximum potential both physically and cognitively. In order to do this we have the following professionals;

Nursing Team: The 24 hour nursing team are based in Butler Green to address any nursing needs.  The team will involve you in care plans to help you reach your goals.

Physiotherapists: You will meet with the Physiotherapist who will devise an exercise programme for you in order to assist you to achieve your goals.  They will provide you with the necessary mobility aids.

Your exercise programme will be reviewed regularly and it is important that it is completed on a regular basis; therapy staff will provide you with supervision to do this.

Occupational Therapists: The Occupational Therapist will discuss with you how you managed with every day activities at home (prior to being unwell), in order to identify what you may now find difficult, for example getting washed and dressed, or managing domestic tasks such as preparing hot drinks or meals.

GPs: We have dedicated GP’s who cover the unit and work with the nursing team to plan your care.

Social Worker: The Social Work team will carry out an assessment with you and your family to ensure a safe discharge.  This may include setting up a care packages, helpline etc.

Therapy assistants: Support the therapists to deliver your rehabilitation program.

Care Staff: The care staff on the unit work 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  They will encourage your independence and provide supervision or assistance when necessary according to your needs and ability.

Throughout your stay, the Intermediate Care team will work with you regularly to help you achieve your goals.  Once you are able to complete tasks independently it is your responsibility to continue practising these tasks daily.

During you stay in Intermediate Care you will be expected to participate in rehabilitation activities such as:

  • Self-medicating
  • Making your bed
  • Washing and dressing yourself
  • Making your own breakfast
  • Making your own hot drinks throughout the day.
  • Exercises
  • Stair practice.
  • Participate in therapy groups.
  • Set the tables for meals.

Staff will provide supervision and / or assistance with these activities as necessary, to your needs and ability. We aim to promote independence so we can support you to return home safely.

A patient's guide to intermediate care at Medlock Court and Butler Green (Video)

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