Fertility Service - Royal Oldham

Welcome to the Fertility Service as part of Gynaecology Department at The Royal Oldham Hospital.  The service provides investigation and treatment for couples with subfertility and links with other parts of care provided by department such as endometriosis, benign surgery, early pregnancy, pre-pregnancy advice, recurrent miscarriage, antenatal care and delivery.

Our highly experienced team is dedicated to offering a high standard of specialised care to you and aims working together during your fertility journey.  Our practice is evidence-based in correlation with NICE guidelines with a focus given to couples’ individualised care.

To contact the Fertility Service, please email us at info.troh.fertility@nca.nhs.uk

  • Fertility tests
  • Oral Ovulation Induction
  • Laparoscopic and open surgery
  • Counselling on all aspect related to fertility or treatment
  • Joint Gynaecology and Endocrinology service (all aspects of gynaecological endocrinology)

Your appointment letter should follow the invitation letter to attend Fertility Clinic. A questionnaire and forms for investigations requiring completing prior attendance will be included in this. If you are trying to conceive as a couple, your partner is also required to attend any appointments.

During your initial appointment it will be necessary to build a history of your fertility, which could include some sensitive and in-depth questions. Your information will only be used to develop your comprehensive care plan and will be handled with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

  • Gynaecological examination and vaginal swabs. 
  • Arranging further investigations. 
  • Arranging and further follow up appointments. 

You will also receive a letter following your appointment summarising the information discussed and detailing the next step that we will take with your medical care.

If you require an interpreter, please let us know and contact our Interpretation & Translation Service.

  • Endometriosis
  • Benign Surgery
  • GAU /Early Pregnancy
  • Endocrinology

NICE guidelines - https://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/fertility

Pre-conception information:

Weight loss, pre-diabetes, diabetes type 2, PCOS.






Assisted reproduction regulatory authorities - https://www.hfea.gov.uk

British Fertility Society  - https://www.britishfertilitysociety.org.uk/public-resources/

Psychological effects of fertility problems, weight loss difficulties:  https://www.bica.net

Further information and networks:





Useful apps:

PCOS assessment and information related PCOS, weight loss led by professionals.



Related documents:

Public Information - British Fertility Society | BFS

Diagnostic Andrology Service User Manual

Accessibility tools

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