The aim of rehabilitation is not simply to be more active, but to make activity and rest consistent, rather than symptom- dependent. By doing this you will be able to gradually increase your ability to carry out everyday activities while slowly cutting down on excessive rest.
Due to persistent fatigue, when sufferers do have some energy it can be easy to slip into the habit of trying to make the most of it and do as much as possible.
We call this the Boom and BUST cycle.
On the days when you have energy you have a BOOM of activity, but this depletes your energy causing a BUST. This can become a vicious cycle that can maintain your CFS / ME. The key to breaking this pattern is to plan a systematic programme of scheduled rest and activity.
Feeling tempted to do a bit extra?
Sometimes it can be tempting to do more than you had planned, especially on good days. Stick to your goals to avoid cycling through boom and bust and see it as an opportunity to build up your reserves.