
Setting goals takes 3 stages:

1. Decide what you want to achieve (your long term goal).

Example goals:

Do some gardening Decorate the living room
Walk with friends Read a book
Use an exercise bike Do a car boot sale
Go to dance classes Take more care with appearance
Improve fitness levels Walk the dog every day
Go bowling Clean the house
Eat healthily Volunteer

2. Be more specific - can the goal be broken into smaller steps?

Example of a goal:

Goal: Attend computer course
Activity: I will attend course
Time: For at least one hour per week
When: Monday

Steps to achieve this:

  1. Find out when course starts at library
  2. Find out cost and length of course
  3. Fill in application
  4. Plan week so do lighter activities before course so not too tired that day
  5. Attend course

Reward: When I have achieved this goal I will  have a meal out.

3. Practice yourself

Identify a goal you would like to achieve and write down the smaller steps involved in reaching your goal.

How realistic is the goal?

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