Home practice guidance

What to do

  • Read this section (in small chunks) and share with friends / family / work etc. as appropriate.
  • Use diary sheets to notice and record periods of activity and rest (see sample diary).
  • Colour code diary, i.e. active episodes (e.g. red) and rest episodes (e.g. blue).
  • Give yourself regular daily treats or notice the things you enjoy, more. Try different treats.
  • Set regular times in the day to do relaxation, soft breathing (as we did today) and your identified treat. Associate these activities with other things you do regularly (e.g. meal times / coffee breaks/comfort breaks).
  • If it's hard to relax or enjoy things try to "fake it 'til you make it".
  • Tell a joke to someone (and if you have an appropriate joke we'll approve it & tell it to group if you like).

  • Throughout the day practice diaphragamtic breathing to prevent build up of tension and at the firs signs of stress.
  • Establish a regular and reliable daily relaxation practice
  • Set times in the day to do your stretch and movement practices and your relaxation practices. If it helps, rcord these on your stretch and movement diary. Associate relaxation and stretch and movement activities with things you do regularly - e.g. at mealtimes and getting up.
  • Give yourself regular treats or notice the things you enjoy more.
  • Weeks 2-6: write your identified goal at the foor of activity diaries and record your graded activity (baselines) on a daily basis.

  • Read the section on sleep and relaxation (in small chunks) and share with friends / family / work etc. as appropriate.
  • Use diary sheets to record activity then identify and colour code periods of activity and rest.
  • Set regular times in the day to do relaxation, soft breathing (as we did today) and your identified treat. Associate these activities with other things you do regularly (e.g. meal times / coffee breaks / comfort breaks).
  • Keep a sleep diary to help identify any aspects of your sleep routine you need to change.
  • Try changing aspects of your sleep routine/environment/sleeping habits that you have identified trigger a bad night’s sleep. Try these out for a few nights and record in your sleep diary to see if they make a difference.
  • Keep up your stretch and movement activities and write your goal for the week at the bottom of your activity diary.

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