Smoking cessation - Salford Royal

The service can help patients with nicotine replacement, promote stop smoking support, give advice, steer people in the right direction for their smoking needs and advise around nicotine products and vapes. We are a vape friendly service.

To be treated in hospital within 48 hours of admission, to answer queries from staff about patients smoking needs, to offer advice on vapes, to promote staff offer to sign post people to different service on discharge

We see patients while they are in hospital on the wards.

The outpatient clinic for the follow ups on the vapes can be up to a hour at each appointment.

Clinical Sciences Building, across from entrance 9, ground floor, respiratory office.

Referrals are sent to our service via the lifestyle document found on the epr, also sent via email to our stop smoking inbox: and by letter from consultants in the hospital.

We treat all patients whilst in the hospital with nicotine replacement. 

We also run a vape clinic in outpatients as we can supply to Salford residents a vape on discharge and then a 12 week follow up divided into 4 weekly visits, to receive ongoing support and vape liquids to encourage the continuation of a quit attempt.

Any in – patients that are in the Greater Manchester area will be contacted via phone who have not been seen in hospital to ask if they want support for there smoking, all others will be sent a text with relevant info on a team near there area they can contact.

Also, to promote the staff offer for a vape or nicotine replacement.

Promotion days with tables in the hospital atrium will be spread across the year and on all nonsmoking event days. Usually in March and September.

The Cure Team - Smoking Cessation Campaign

Macmillan - Quit Smoking Journey

Smoking cessation - tips

Smoking cessation - hints

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