The General Data Protection Regulations and supporting Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right (with some exceptions) to access the information we hold about you - including information held in Health Records or other systems.
Several details will be required in order to process the request including:
Full name, address, date of birth and NHS Number (if known). We will never disclose information to family or friends about medical matters, unless you specifically ask us to and provide your consent.
If you wish to receive copies of clinical letters sent to your GP, you can request a copy during your clinic appointment. This does not affect your rights to later obtain copies.
For information held by your own GP, please contact the Practice Manager directly.
To support you through the request process, we have prepared application forms, to ensure we receive full details we require to find and release your information:
If you wish to request a copy of your own health records please complete the AHR1 form.
If you wish to request a copy of someone else's health records - for example if you are a parent and would like to view your child's records - please complete the AHR2 form.
If you wish to access the health records of a deceased patient please complete the AHR3 form.
If you are a patient's legal representative and wish to view their health records please complete the AHR4 form.
If you are a front line member of staff, and you are supporting a patient requesting their records, please click here.
Points to remember when completing an application:
- Complete the correct application form (authorising release of notes), providing as much information as possible
- Provide evidence to support the claim to have access to the records
- eg parental evidence if requesting child records
- for Deceased records, providing evidence of your legal rights for Access to a Deceased person’s records
- Sign the form, authorising the search for the requested records
- Provide Proof of identity (of the Patient/Service User), (copy of passport or photograph driving license) and proof of address (such as utility bill)
Please note: Where you are requesting notes on behalf of another person additional ID checks are needed, including proof of your legitimate rights to act on the individual’s behalf
For further details please see the Trust's Subject Access Policy
For Oldham, Bury or Rochale:
Tel: 0161 627 8591 / 0161 778 5938 Email:
For Salford:
If you wish to request your health records for Salford Royal please
Tel: 0161 206 1130 Email: