Staff Parking Permits - FAQs

The FAQs below cover the process of applying and paying for a staff permit to park at our four main hospital sites. 

Email for answers to general enquiries about car parking on our NCA sites. 

If you would like to submit a question, click the button below. 

How to apply for a permit? 

Our permit system is called PermitSmarti. Click here to register and apply for your permit. 

For queries about parking permit applications or the parking permit processing email:, ideally quoting your application or permit number.   

What supporting documents do I need to upload as part of my application? 

You’ll need supporting evidence in the form of confirmation emails from your line manager in relation to your work role, health and mobility and any carer commitments you may have. You will also need any auto emails you’ve received from PermitSmarti, who’ll advise or request this if not already provided. See the Parking Guidance document for types of proof document required and accepted. 

Is confirmation from my line manager enough proof for applications under health and mobility? 

Initially this is the required proof but if any additional information is required, this will be advised during making your application, or the PermitSmarti team or your local care organisation team will get in touch. 

Will the application system allow you to highlight a need for time-critical parking? 

The question responses in the application enable you to do this. 

We have several volunteers in our service, do they need a permit?

Volunteers also need to apply under the same PermitSmarti process and meet the criteria for a permit.  

My job role, working hours or details are changing soon – do I apply now or wait? 

Apply now with your current details. When your role changes, log in to your PermitSmarti account, cancel any permit which has been issued and then submit a new application with your updated details. 

If you live near the hospital (within a certain mileage) will you be eligible for a permit?  

Decisions are based on multiple combined criteria. If you live closer to points your points are lower, but you can increase these by changing travel behaviour on certain days, for example, reducing the number of days a week you are on site. 

Do Trust car lease users have priority for a permit?  

No. All applications are assessed under the same criteria, which is based on the need for vehicle use. 

How will you be assessing everyone for the parking permit application? 

Using criteria agreed in the Task & Finish Group, as well as based on your PermitSmarti application responses. More details in updates and guidance documents. 

How do I know if my application has gone through? 

PermitSmarti will contact you via email to advise whether or not you have been successful in getting a permit. Logging back into your PermitSmarti account will also show where your application is up to. 

My employer is not listed as an option in account set up – what should I do? 

Double check the list of available employers carefully. You would usually choose the organisation paying your salary but if you’re working in the NCA, you’ll need to select the Care Organisation or hospital site you spend most of your work time at. If you’re employed by an NHS organisation that isn’t listed, choose ‘other NHS organisations’. If you don’t work for an NHS organisation, select ‘Public organisations’. The employer you select will influence the permit type you’re able to apply for. 

How can I be sure my documents have been accepted or they have been uploaded successfully? 

PermitSmarti will email you with advice on what to do if your documents haven’t uploaded correctly. Logging back into your PermitSmarti account will also show where your application is up to.  

I’ve applied for a parking permit, but my application has not progressed and is awaiting manager verification. What should I do? 

All car parking applications will require line manager approval to ensure the details submitted are correct. This can be provided prior to or as part of the application. Otherwise, managers will be required to reply to an email sent by the PermitSmarti processing team to confirm details. Delays with line manager approval may result in delays processing applications. 

If I have problems, issues or concerns when setting up my account or making a permit application who can help? 

The PermitSmarti team is available to for help and advice either at or during office hours on 01604 625608. 

I can’t see where to enter working pattern/hours if you work extra hours above your usual working week. Should you just put your standard working pattern? 

The first question ‘What is your usual or average working week?’ when you are applying gives you the opportunity to include regular additional hours. These will need to be confirmed by your line manager.  

I live in a newbuild property and there’s no option on the form to add an address manually as my postcode is not yet recognised. 

As many even incomplete newbuilds are showing postcodes, do first check that the land registry has recorded this. If so, the team will follow up with PermitSmarti. 

I don’t have a computer or I’m not good with computers – how do I fill in the application form? 

Speak to your line manager about getting help to complete the online application form. Alternatively, call the PermitSmarti team on 01604 625608 and they’ll be able to assist you. 

How does my parking permit need to be displayed? 

All successful applicants will be issued with a security-controlled parking permit that should be displayed in clear view in their vehicle, such as the windscreen, when using the NCA staff car parking facilities. 

My current parking permit is due to expire soon, do I need to renew it? 

Health & Mobility, Pay in Advance or Voucher permits issued in 2023 may be coming up to their expiry date soon, so are due for renewal.  A renewal reminder will be sent to your account email address prior to the expiry date, so do check your inbox.   This reminder is usually sent within 14 days of the permit expiry date. 

Please follow the instructions on the email, within the date period advised.  If you have already missed the date period, or not received an email by the permit expiry date, contact the PermitSmarti processing team for help by emailing

I have a valid parking permit which is paid for monthly from my salary but I’m shortly going on extended leave for 12 months. Can I put my permit on hold until I return? 

You can temporarily suspend your permit for an extended period such as when going on maternity leave. Visit the ‘My Permits’ section of your PermitSmarti account, where you can suspend your parking permit for a specified period. Enter the date when you wish your permit to be reinstated. These details will then be sent to payroll early the following month.   

I’ve been notified that my voucher permit application has been successful, but I haven’t yet received the paper copy. Do I need to activate a voucher before my permit arrives? 

Yes, you’ll need to activate a voucher each time you park and purchase vouchers in blocks of 10 before parking. Should your permit not have arrived within three weeks of your letter, follow up with the PermitSmarti team by emailing

My contracted hours are 37.5 a week but I only work two days on site – does that mean I have to pay the full permit price? 

You should apply for a voucher permit and buy books of 10 vouchers in advance, rather than a monthly permit. Vouchers are valid across all NCA sites.  A voucher should be activated when parking on a particular day.   

A colleague and I sometimes car share and other times work different days or shifts. Will we need two separate permits or can we share, as if we are on the same shift we do not drive separately? 

You’ll both need separate parking applications and permits. However, you can reduce the cost of these and gain extra points in your application by registering for LiftShare and confirming shared journeys using the LiftShare app. See guidance documents and travel choices information for more details. 

I work remotely but visit all NCA sites at different times, some on the same day and I don’t always know until the day which site I’ll be at. What do I apply for? 

You should apply for a voucher permit to buy books of 10 vouchers in advance, rather than a monthly permit. Apply under the Care Organisation you are most often based at. No matter which Care Organisation your apply under, your vouchers will be valied across all NCA sites. Activate one when parking on a particular day.   

Will I be allocated to a specific parking zone? 

No, parking permits will be issued as they were pre-pandemic with a permit that covers parking for all staff parking locations both at your main hospital location, as well as the other NCA hospital locations. The only exemption to this will be time-critical parking locations for which a time-critical parking permit is issued.  

Does a permit guarantee me a parking space? 

Confirmation of a successful car parking application provides the applicant with the right to use the NCA staff car parking facilities, although this doesn’t guarantee a parking space. 

Will people working across sites be able to apply for a permit at their base and park on other sites as we did under the old arrangements? 

Yes. As with the previous system, holding a valid parking permit allows parking at all four hospital sites in non-barrier-controlled areas. Each location has a barrier-controlled car park for time-critical parking and access to these car park will be allocated to specific users. 

I pay for parking at another Greater Manchester Hospital trust – do I need to apply and pay for a permit to park at NCA staff car parks as well? 

Should you wish to use NCA’s hospital car parking facilities and you hold a valid parking permit with another Greater Manchester NHS Trust such as Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, you’ll be given a free parking permit upon a successful NCA car parking application. Evidence of your existing permit will need to be uploaded at the time of applying.  

Do staff working across sites still get priority (time-critical) parking? 

As the PermitSmarti standard and voucher permits issued are valid across all four NCA hospital sites, those who are successful in getting a permit will be able to park their vehicle at all 4 hospital locations. Time-critical parking will be allocated based on a criteria set by the Care Organisation.                                                          

How much will the permit cost me?

The new charging scheme and is based on a tiered system that considers both your working hours and your banding level. For further details of the revised charges see tables below.

Car Parking Deductions for band 1 and 2 colleagues from April 2024

On 1 April 2024, the National Living Wage increased to £11.44 per hour.

The current minimum pay in the NHS for colleagues employed in Agenda for Change pay bands 1 and 2 is £11.45. 

The NCA will pause car parking deductions for colleagues in band 1 and 2 to prevent their salary reducing below the national minimum wage.

Monthly permit charges

  Weekly Contracted Hours

More than 25hrs

15-25 hours Less than 15 hours 

Bands 1 to 4




Bands 5 to 7 (plus MF01, MF02, MC51, MC52, MS01, MS02, MT01 to MT03)




Bands 8a to 8d (plus MC53, MC70, MC75, MS03 to MS08, MT04, MT05)




Band 9 to VSM and consultants




Daily eVoucher rates (must apply before purchasing)

  Weekly Contracted Hours 
  More than 25 hours  15-25 hours  Less than 15 hours 

Bands 1 to 4




Bands 5 to 7 (plus MF01, MF02, MC51, MC52, MS01, MS02, MT01 to MT03)




Bands 8a to 8d (plus MC53, MC70, MC75, MS03 to MS08, MT04, MT05)




Band 9 to VSM and consultants




Can I pay monthly?

You can choose to pay for your permit through salary deduction, if you work for an NHS Trust which allows this, which means the cost will be split into monthly instalments. If you choose to pay in advance or are not eligible for salary deduction, the permit price will need to be paid in full via card payment.

Is there any difference in price for colleagues who have disabilities?

Free parking is available for blue badge holders as required by Department of Health and Social Care, but all other users need to pay for parking.

Junior doctors are not paid according to the Agenda for Change pay bands. What will doctors be expected to pay?

Pay band codes including those for junior doctors, are detailed in the pricing information, with most in the Band 5 to 7 and 8a to 8d charging levels.

If you are directly employed by the NCA, St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Pennine Care Foundation Trust and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, you will have the option

  • A 3-year parking permit with payment by monthly salary deduction. This permit can be cancelled at any time.
  • A 3-, 6- or 12-month parking permit, paid in advance by card.
  • A voucher permit account to purchase e-vouchers in bundles of 10 for more occasional/ irregular parking use. These will need to be activated via the PermitSmarti system (by mobile phone or internet) on the day of parking.

Colleagues employed by other NHS organisations including NHS Professionals, will have the options of:

A 3-, 6- or 12-month parking permit, to be paid in advance by car
A voucher permit account to purchase e-vouchers in bundles of 10 for more occasional/ irregular parking use. These will need to be activated via the PermitSmarti system (by mobile phone or internet) on the day of parking.

How do I appeal if my permit application is rejected? 

Should your hospital parking permit application not be successful, you may have grounds to appeal. These could include health- or mobility-related issues affecting travel or caring responsibilities, among other reasons for appealing the decision.  

Note that you cannot appeal until your permit application has been processed and you've been advised that it has been unsuccessful.  

Colleagues whose car parking permit applications have been unsuccessful are advised by email to their PermitSmarti account. This will include a Car Parking Permit Appeals form. You’ll also find this form here or by clicking the blue ‘Car parking permit appeal’ button on the Staff Parking - Latest Updates :: Northern Care Alliance page. 

How to appeal 

  • Should you believe you have a genuine reason for appeal, complete the appeals form in full according to its instructions and return it within 21 days to the PermitSmarti processing team using the email address below. PemitSmarti will forward it to your Care Organisation’s appeals panel. A decision on the outcome of the appeal will be made and the parking permit processing team will either issue a permit or confirm the appeal has been unsuccessful. 

  • You as the applicant, must lodge an appeal in writing using the appeals form, giving full and specific details of the reasons for appealing. Your appeal must have the support of your direct line manager. 

  • The appeals panel will ensure any appeal has been signed off by the direct line manager before deciding upon the outcome. Unsigned appeals will not be heard. 

  • All appeals should be submitted to the email address by the applicant along with any evidence/confirmations to support the appeal. No in-person appeals will take place. 

  • Make sure the Care Organisation your appeal relates to; your full name and your permit application number are included in the email title. 

  • The decision of the appeals panel is final – no further appeals will be heard in relation to your application. If your circumstances change a new parking application should be submitted detailing any new and relevant information. 

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