Staff, volunteer and contractor parking
To park at any of our NCA hospital sites, you need to have a valid parking permit.
If you are successful with a permit application, it is valid across all our hospital sites (Bury, Rochdale, Oldham and Salford). All parking permits must be clearly displayed. Your permit or activated voucher, enables you to park at one or multiple NCA hospital sites on any given day.
A parking application and a valid permit are not required for those parking at night between 19:00 and 07:00.
How to apply for a permit?
Our permit system is called PermitSmarti. Before applying for your permit, you may find it useful to read the ‘Guide to Apply for your Permit’ that can be found in the document section below.
Click here to register and apply for your permit.
For queries about parking permit applications or the parking permit processing email:, ideally quoting your application or permit number.
Each site has a maximum number of car parking spaces it can allocate to permit parking.
Permit applications are on hold at some of our care organisations, due to maximum permit capacity being reached.
The Trust continually assess car park occupancy in order to understand whether any more car parking permits can be issued. For those sites that are at full occupancy, a waiting list is in operation to process permits and these will be processed in application date order.
As and when capacity becomes available, applications will be processed and the applicant will be informed if they have been successful with a permit application.
If the current situation relating to commuting to and from work and/ or a parking applications is causing you issues, please speak to your line manager in the first instance as they will be able to provide individual support or adjustments, plus discuss or escalate any wider concerns.
Commuting differently - Alternative travel choices
Before you apply for a permit, do consider if there are alternative ways of travelling to and from work, as well as more flexible ways of working. This will help to free up more car parking spaces for colleagues, patients and visitors.
There are a number of different commuting options available for all of our work locations and we encourage active and sustainable commuting in the first instance wherever possible. Even if you only use different commute options occasionally, it can make an enormous difference and help support your application.
To park in a staff car park at Fairfield General you need to have a valid PermitSmarti NCA permit.
A parking application and a valid permit are not required for those parking at night only between 19:00 and 07:00
For local parking issues at Bury email:
Create your personal journey plan for Fairfield General
To park in a staff car park at the Royal Oldham, you need to have a valid PermitSmarti NCA permit.
A parking application and a valid permit are not required for those parking within the hospital site at night only between 19:00 and 07:00
For colleagues without a parking permit, a privately operated car park off Westhulme Street currently allows the lowest price daily parking.
For local parking issues at Oldham email:
Create your personal journey plan to the Royal Oldham Hospital
To park in a staff car park at the Rochdale Infirmary, you need to have a valid PermitSmarti NCA permit.
A parking application and a valid permit are not required for those parking within the hospital site at night only between 19:00 and 07:00.
For local parking issues at Rochdale email:
Parking at this site is particularly busy during Monday to Friday daytimes and parking enforcement is in operation. Please try to use alternative travel choices where possible.
To park in a staff car park at Salford Royal, you need to have a valid PermitSmarti NCA permit. Staff parking is available at the following locations:
Stott Lane (East Car Park) - Staff parking section, including deck
Summerfield House, Eccles New Road - Staff parking section
The StoreRoom, Eccles New Road - Staff parking section
Ladywell Metrolink Park & Ride, Eccles New Road - Area with staff parking signage only
Turnpike House, Eccles New Road - Staff parking section
A parking application and a valid permit are not required for those parking within the hospital site at night only between 19:00 and 07:00.
For local parking issues at Salford email:
To park in the MSCP you require an additional special permit and fob, during Monday to Friday daytime.
From June 2024, only those colleagues who have been successful with their MSCP application will be able to park at this car park.
My MSCP application was unsuccessful?
If you hold a MSCP access fob, this can be returned to the Salford car parking office, where your £10 deposit will be returned.
Please be advised that there is no appeal process for access to the MSCP.
My circumstances have changed, can I apply for an MSCP permit?
If you believe you should be permitted to park in the MSCP, please apply for a permit using your PermitSmarti account and your application will be reviewed against the agreed criteria.
Staff Parking Permit Documents
Thumbnail | Title | Size |
Application guide for line managers.docx | 658.58 KB | |
Applying process - flowchart.docx | 56.13 KB | |
Guide to applying for your permit.docx | 648.58 KB | |
Types of parking permits - flowchart.docx | 67.46 KB | |
3.2.1 Terms and Conditions_CR.docx | 128.79 KB | |
3.2.4 Parking Areas - add onto parking webpage.docx | 136.11 KB | |
3.2.9 Parking Guidance - Community Staff.docx | 129.51 KB | |
3.2.10 - Parking Application_GDPR_Privacy_Policy.docx | 1,226.31 KB | |
Car parking permit appeal form.docx | 1,223.68 KB | |
Appeals panel.docx | 1,290.84 KB | |
3.1.2 Parking Application Criteria.docx | 375.46 KB | |
NCA Parking Location Maps | 1,124.66 KB |