Privacy Notice for Children

This privacy notice explains how Northern Care Alliance uses your personal information. 

This notice can be made available in alternative formats, such as easy read or large print, and is available in alternative languages. Please contact the Data Protection Officer to request a copy.  

This is the name for some health services in Greater Manchester. 

 These health services are: 

  • Bury and Rochdale Care Organisation 

  • Oldham Care Organisation 

  • Salford Care Organisation 

We sometimes call this ‘NCA’ or ‘Northern Care Alliance. In this information we use ‘NCA’. 

This is information about you. Here are some examples. 

Information about who you are. Things like: 

  • Your name 

  • Your date of birth. This is your birthday and the year you were born. 

  • Your NHS number. This is a number to help the NHS find your information. Everyone has a different number. 

Information about how to contact you. Things like: 

  • Your telephone number. 

  • Your email address. 

Information from photos or videos.  

There are video cameras in some parts of the hospital. 

There are video cameras in health centres. 

The cameras record everyone who visits the hospital or health centre. We call this CCTV. 

Sometimes we will need to take a photo of you. For example, when you have a broken arm. This photo helps the doctor see what is wrong with your arm.

Name: Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust 

Address: Mayo Building, Salford Royal, Stott Lane, Salford, M6 8HD 

General phone number for Salford: 0161 789 7373 

General phone number for Bury, Oldham and Rochdale: 0161 624 0420 


We are the controller for your information. A controller decides on why and how information is used and shared.

Data Protection Officer contact details

Our Data Protection Officer is Jym Bates and is responsible for making sure we follow the law when using your data. You can contact them with your questions relating to the use of your personal data at  

Our Caldicott Guardian is Dr Roger Prudham and is responsible for making sure your data is only shared with people who need to view it to do their job. You can contact them with questions relating to the use of your personal data at

We collect information from you for one of the following reasons: 

  • you have asked the NCA to help you when you are poorly. 

  • you have asked us to send you information. This is things like asking to read our newsletter. 

  • you have complained about your care or treatment. 

We also receive personal information about you from other people such as:  

  • people in your support network. This might be your family or people who are paid to support you. 

  • from other health and care organisations. These are places that help care or support you. These are services like: your GP, other NHS organisations. 

  • from other services who help you. These are services like: Schools, College, Social Services. 

Personal information 

We currently collect and use the following personal information: 

  • Information about who you are 

  • Information about how to contact you 

  • Information from photos or videos.  

  • Information about who your family are. 

More sensitive information  

Some information is more private. We call this sensitive information. 

We currently collect and use the following sensitive information. 

  • Information about your health. This is things like your health appointment and your test results. 

  • Information about your race and ethnicity. Some people use the word ‘race’ to mean the colour of your skin. Some people use ‘ethnicity’ to talk about where your family grew up. 

  • Information about your sex life. This is things like being in a relationship or having sex. 

  • Information about your sexual orientation. This is about who you like romantically. Some young people like boys. Some young people like girls. Some young people like boys and girls. Some young people don’t like anyone romantically. Everyone is different. 

  • Information about your religious or philosophical beliefs. Beliefs are ideas we have about important things. Things like our life and what happens when we die. There are lots of different religious and philosophical beliefs. 

  • Information about your criminal history. A crime is when a person breaks the law. Laws are the rules we must all follow. NCA gets information about crimes you have done and crimes you are accused of doing. 

We may share information with health and social care services who help you. This could be: 

  • your GP 

  • social services 

  • support providers 

We may share information with some IT companies who work with NCA. IT is about computers and the internet. The IT companies help NCA collect your information. They help NCA keep your information safe. 

We may share information with people who plan health and social care services. This could be the Integrated Care Board who have their own privacy notice.  

We may share information with people who work in education. This could be your school or college. 

There are lots of laws about information. Sometimes NCA must share information about you with others. Here are some examples: 

  • NHS England. They might need information to make changes or create new things.  

  • When someone is born, we need to tell the Government. 

  • When someone dies, we need to tell the Government. 

  • When a court tells us they need information. Courts make decisions about the law. NCA must share information when the court asks. 

  • Sometimes things go very wrong. The Government asks people to find out what happened. We call this a ‘public enquiry’. NCA must share information for a public enquiry. 

We will also share information in very serious situations to help protect you and other people. Here are some examples: 

  • where a serious crime has been committed  

  • where we are worried about your safety 

  • where we are worried about the safety of other people 

Personal information 

Laws are rules we all must follow. Here are the rules about information. The UK General Data Protection Regulation. We sometimes call this GDPR or UK GDPR. 

You can read more about UK GDPR here. 

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) we have different reasons that we are allowed to use your personal information. Here are some examples: 

We have a legal obligation – the law requires us to do this. 

For example, where NHS England or the courts use their powers to require the data. See this list for the most likely laws that apply when using and sharing information in health and care. 

We need it to perform a public task – to provide you with care or to help provide care to others. 

A public body, such as an NHS organisation, is required to undertake particular activities by law. See this list for the most likely laws that apply when using and sharing information in health and care.

There are a lot of rules about your personal information. Some of the rules are about looking after your personal information. 

Here are some examples  

Keeping your information safe.

This might be information on a computer or on paper. We will usually keep your information in the UK. If we need to keep your information outside the UK we will make sure this is done safely. 

How long we can keep your information. 

We must stop using you information when the rules say. We must do this safely. This makes sure no one else can get your information. This might be: 

  • shredding paperwork 

  • deleting information on computers. 

You can read more about the rules in the Records Management Code of Practice 

You can ask Northern Care Alliance to: 

Show you the information we have about you – This is known as a subject access request.  

Change information you think is wrong. 

Delete your information – There are rules about when we can do this. 

Not share your information with anyone else – There are rules about when we can do this. For example sometimes we have to share information with other people involved in your care. 

Move your information to a different place – For example, a different hospital trust. 

It is free to ask NCA to do these things. 

NCA have 1 month to send you a reply. 

Please contact us using the below details if you wish to make a request. Further information can be found on our website. 

Tel: 0161 206 1130  / 0161 778 5938     Email:  

National data opt-out 

NCA can use your information for research. Research is things like: 

  • Finding out more about a disease or illness. 

  • Making new treatment or medicines to help people feel better. 

You can say “yes” or “no” to NCA using your information for research. It is your choice. 

The National Data Opt-out has more information.  

You can read about this here:

You can change your mind about your choice at any time. 

You can tell us what is wrong. You can make a complaint about how NCA:  

  • gets your personal information. 

  • keeps your personal information. 

  • shares your personal information. 

You can complain to: 

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)  

The email is 

The Northern Care Alliance Caldicott Guardian, Dr Roger Prudham 

The email is 

The Northern Care Alliance Data Protection Officer, Jym Bates 

The email is 

The Northern Care Alliance Senior Information Risk Owner, Lorna Allen 

The address is: 

Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust 

Mayo Building 

Salford Royal  

Stott Lane  


M6 8HD 

You can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. 

The address is:      

Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House 

Water Lane 



SK9 5AF 

The phone number is 0303 123 1113 

You can find out more on the Information Commissioner’s website.

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