Hearing difficulty
- Do you have problems holding a conversation in a busy street or a shop?
- Do you have difficulty talking to people in a group situation?
- Do you struggle to hear on the telephone?
- Do you tend to have the TV turned up louder than everyone else?
- Do you fail to hear the doorbell or door-knocker?
- Do you have difficulty hearing general conversations?
Difficulty with hearing can happen to us all at some point in life.
Hearing loss is very common if you are over 50 or if you have worked in a noisy job.
Speak to your GP about your hearing difficulty and ask to be referred to Salford Audiology Services for a hearing assessment. Waiting times are very short and you will receive a letter in the post to confirm the date and time of your appointment.
What happens at your first appointment?
At your first appointment the Audiologist will talk to you about your hearing difficulties and will ask you to highlight which listening situations you are struggling to hear clearly in.
The hearing assessment will include a short medical history questionnaire, an examination of your ears and a hearing test to check the level of your hearing.
An accurate hearing test (Audiometry) requires the ears to be clear of earwax.
If earwax is present the Audiologist will determine if this can be safely removed prior to the hearing test being completed. If the earwax cannot be removed a treatment plan will be offered.
The Audiologist will discuss and explain the test results to you. If appropriate, a treatment plan will be discussed and hearing aids may be offered. The Audiologist will demonstrate the most appropriate hearing aid available for your hearing loss. If a treatment plan is agreed, you will be offered a further appointment to return for your hearing aid fitting or other treatment as appropriate.
Hearing Assessment results
The Audiologist will discuss and explain the test results to you. The chart shows the loudness and frequency (or pitch) of different sounds. You may request a copy of your hearing test to take away with you.
If appropriate a treatment plan will be discussed and digital hearing aid provision may be offered. The Audiologist will demonstrate the most appropriate hearing aid for your hearing loss.
If a treatment plan is agreed, you will be provided with an Individual Management Plan (IMP) and offered a further appointment to return for your hearing aid fitting or other treatment as appropriate.
If you wish to receive NHS hearing aids they will be supplied and maintained free of charge. Batteries and hearing aid repairs are also free of charge.*
*we are unable to repair or supply batteries for privately purchased hearing aids.
Hearing aids
At Salford Audiology we have the latest digital technology to supply and fit a range of modern hearing aids that meet all types of hearing loss.
Hearing aids make sounds louder to help those who have a hearing loss. A hearing aid may not provide perfect hearing but it will certainly help in many situations. Our highly trained Audiologists will be happy to advise you on the most appropriate hearing devices to meet your needs.
Our new discreet 'Open Fit' style of hearing aids are available for most Mild to Moderate hearing loses. Ask your Audiologist for details.
We also provide the traditional earmould fitting using the latest Super Power and Ultra Power digital hearing aids for the more severe and profound hearing losses.
It is important to have your hearing aids serviced and maintained regularly. We offer a free Aftercare Service for all hearing aids issued by Salford Audiology Services. Our self referral system allows our existing hearing aid users to request service appointments at their convenience and at their preferred choice of venue.
Hearing aid batteries
Hearing Aid batteries are supplied free of charge for NHS hearing aids only. Your Audiologist will advise you how to get replacement batteries. How long a battery lasts depends on the type/power of the hearing aid and how often it is worn.
We are unable to provide batteries for privately purchased hearing aids.
Battery Safety:
- Keep batteries clean and dry and away from extreme heat and cold
- Store batteries safely away from children and animals
- Dispose of batteries safely. If you wish to return used batteries to us, Salford Audiology Services can dispose of them safely.
If swallowed, a hearing aid battery can cause serious harm and even death. Severe tissue damage can be caused by the electrical current discharged from the battery. This can lead to internal burns. Even batteries that are thought to be ‘flat’ can still have this effect.
Batteries pushed into ears or nostrils can also cause serious injuries. Battery ingestion affects all age groups. Most cases involve children under six who mistake the battery for a sweet. Elderly people with confusion or poor vision may mistake the battery for a pill. Symptoms of tissue damage can occur up to 28 days after ingestion.
Tinnitus, commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears”, is the perception of sound heard in the ears or in the head when no such external sound is present.
Salford Audiology Services provide assessment, support and advice to people with troublesome Tinnitus. The team consists of Audiologists and Hearing Therapists who specialise in helping people with Tinnitus. The therapy depends on the needs of the individual and may include hearing aid provision, counselling, advice around management options including lifestyle changes, coping strategies and masking and distraction techniques.
Patients with Tinnitus may also be referred on to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Consultant who, if required, will check to ensure that there are no underlying conditions.
Dizziness and balance
The Audiology Balance clinic provides specialist support to Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Consultants.
The clinic can support people with:
- Positional Vertigo/dizziness when turning over in bed
- Sudden spinning Vertigo/dizziness that lasts for less than 30 seconds. Talk to your GP first.
Other services
Salford Audiology also has direct referral routes to:
- Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
- Falls Clinic
- Salford Sensory Impairment Team
- Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha) specialist service
- Smoking Cessation Service
Salford Audiology Services
Providing you with NHS audiological assessment, free digital hearing aid provision, audiology rehabilitation services and paediatric diagnostic rehabilitation services in a choice of modern community based locations all with disabled access.
0161 206 1571
0161 206 1568
0161 206 1569
Audiology Department Pendleton Gateway
1 Broadwalk Salford
M6 5FX
Date of Review: November 2024
Date of Next Review: November 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1381 (Salford)