What preparation do I need prior to my appointment?
It is very important that you put olive oil in your ears twice daily for five to seven days before the appointment. This will ensure the wax in your ears is soft, which makes it easier to remove.
To do this:
Can I bring someone with me?
You may bring a friend or a relative to the appointment with you.
What is suction?
Suction is a safe procedure for patients who are unable to have routine ear irrigation with water, due to the presence of a perforation or previous surgery. It removes the wax by a gentle suction process.
What can I expect to happen at the appointment?
The appointment will last 15 – 30 minutes and will be carried out by a practitioner who is specially trained to perform this procedure.
To begin with you will be asked about your hearing and any other relevant medical history. The practitioner will then explain the procedure to you, and you may have to sign a written consent form to say that you understand the procedure and agree for it to be done. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.
The practitioner will view your ear through a microscope whilst removing the wax using a fine tube and you may hear the suction sound. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure let the practitioner know.
What happens next?
Once the procedure is completed the practitioner will view your eardrum through the microscope and inform you of the findings. If the practitioner is unable to remove all the wax, you may be offered a further appointment or you may need to be referred to ENT.
If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact the Audiology Department.
Scan the QR code below to find more information on our website:

Additional information:
- We accept calls from Relay formally known as Type talk
- Please contact the department in advance if an interpreter is required
- We are an accredited training centre, and it is possible that a student may undertake some aspects of the appointment under supervision
- There is limited availability for parking
If you would like any further information or have any special requirements, please contact the department using the details above.
Contact Us
Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale
Audiology Department, Floor One, Nye Bevan House, Maclure Road, Rochdale, OL11 1DN
Audiology Department, Radcliffe Primary Care, 69 Church Street West, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 2SP
Audiology Department, 4th Floor, Integrated Care Centre, New Radcliffe Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL
Telephone: 01706 674913
Email: NESaudiology@nca.nhs.uk
Website: www.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk
Find us on Facebook for more updates and advice @BuryOldhamHMRAudiology
Date of Review: May 2024
Date of Next Review: May 2026
Ref No: PI_DS_1482 (BRO)