Why have I been referred for a 24hr blood pressure monitor?
You have been referred for a 24hr blood pressure (BP) monitor because your doctor would like to monitor your BP over a 24hr period, whilst allowing you to continue with all your daily activities, except bathing or showering.
What will happen during my appointment?
You will be invited into a clinical room where you will be asked to undress down to your shirt sleeves. It would be a good idea to wear a top with loose fitting sleeves. The physiologist will fit a blood pressure cuff to your arm (usually your left arm). This will then be connected to the BP monitor which will then be fastened round your waist by a shoulder strap.
You will be given a diary card to complete during your test and the physiologist will explain the function of the event button and diary card before you leave.
After the test
You will wear the monitor for 24 hours and be asked to return the recorder to the department the following day between 10am and 12 noon.
The data will be downloaded to a computer and will be analysed. The results will be sent to the consultant who has requested the test.
Are there any risks?
There are no risks to having the test but a small percentage of people will experience slight bruising to the arm where the cuff has been fitted.
Contact Information
Should you require any further information please ring the Cardio Respiratory Central Booking Department on 0161 656 1276.
You will also be able to find more information at www.bhf.org.uk
Date of Review: March 2025
Date of Next Review: March 2027
Ref No: PI_M_920 (Bury)