Please read the information and follow the instructions given carefully as failure to do so may result in delays or cancellations to your appointment.
Why is this investigation carried out?
An ECG is usually done if the doctor thinks you have a heart problem; as part of a health check or before an operation.
What do we look for in this investigation?
An ECG records the electrical activity of your heart. It assesses the rate, rhythm and general condition.
Are there any alternatives to this test?
There are no alternatives to this test.
If you do not wish to have this test or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the department on 0161 206 4746 or email
What do I need to do to prepare for this investigation?
Please do not use any body lotions or creams before your investigation.
What will happen during the investigation?
- You will be taken into a private room, where you will be asked to undress from the waist up
- Ladies will have to remove their tights
- You will then be asked to lie on a bed
- Sticky patches (electrodes) will be attached to your chest, legs and arms. These will be attached to a machine via wires
- You will be asked to keep still and relax for a few minutes whilst a recording of your heartbeat is taken
The machine picks up the electrical activity from your heart. It does not give electrical shocks and does not damage your heart.
Limitations/risks of the investigation
It is completely safe and painless and takes approximately 15 minutes.
What happens to your results?
The results will be sent to the doctor that requested the investigation, who will contact you at a later date.
When you attend for your next clinic appointment, your specialist will discuss the results with you and decide what, if any, treatment you will need.
The staff who perform your procedure are not permitted to give you results or discuss the meaning of the results with you.
Date of Review: July 2023
Date of Next Review: July 2025
Ref No: PI_M_1299 (Salford)