Cardiology - Home Exercises for the Cardiac Rehabilitation programme

Cardiac Rehabilitation Patient Exercises

To gain a beneficial level of exercise, you should be carrying out a cardiovascular exercise, that is, one that increases your heart rate for at least 2.5 hours in tota, l spread out throughout the week. i.e. 30 minutes 5 times a week.

You should be able to carry out these exercises safely in your own home, however if you are in any doubt about how to carry out an exercise then do not attempt it without seeking professional advice.

You should be aiming to exercise to a level where you are slightly warm, slightly sweaty and slightly out of breath. If you become unduly breathless i.e. you are unable to talk in complete sentences due to breathlessness or if you feel dizzy, sick or experience chest pain - SLOW DOWN then STOP and rest.

DO NOT exercise if you are feeling unwell, unduly tired or you have just eaten a heavy meal.

If advised to do seated exercises, these can be found at the rear section of the leaflet and include a warm-up and cool down.

If advised to do standard exercises, start on level 1 unless advised otherwise and complete all the exercises.

It is important:

  • To do the warm up exercises first
  • To do the circuit at the level advised
  • Then finish with the cool down exercises

The warm up and cool down sections should NOT be missed.

If you can complete a level in full without getting warm or feeling short of breath you can try increasing to the next level.

If you have any problems or questions about the exercises or need any additional advice, please contact your local Cardiac Rehabilitation team using the contact details below. You may also wish to try The British Heart Foundation video exercises which can be found at

  • Bury Cardiac Rehabilitation Team (Fairfield Hospital): 0161 778 2686
  • Oldham Cardiac Rehabilitation Team: 0161 627 8339

The Borg Scale

This will be used throughout the programme and helps you to estimate how hard and strenuous the exercise feels to you.

6 is no exertion at all. 7 is extremely light. 9 is very light. 11 is light. 13 is somewhat hard. 15 is hard (heavy). 17 is very hard. 19 is extremely hard.

Warm Up Exercises

This section is very important to prepare your body for the next stage of exercises

Keep your feet moving throughout the warm up

1. Keeping feet moving at all times, shrug shoulders and roll 10 x forwards, 10 x backwards  Exercises as described

2. Circling elbows, 10 x forward, 10 x backwards, keeping feet moving throughout Exercises as described

3. Heel raises 10x  Exercises as described

4. Alternate hamstring curls 10 x each leg  Exercises as described

5. Swing arms forwards and backwards, getting higher each time x 10  Exercises as decribed

6. Stretch your arms above your head as far as possible, hold for 10 seconds and repeat x 2 Exercises as described

7. Stretch arms out behind you with your palms facing forwards and thumbs pointing upwards. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat x 2 

​  7.Stretch arms out behind you with your palms facing forwards and thumbs pointing upwards.  Hold f or 10 seconds and repeat x 2  ​

8. Alternate side bends, 10 x each side ​​Exercises as described

9. Trunk twists - stand with your hands on your hips and turn at your waist, x 10 in each direction      ​​Exercises as described

10. Alternate heel taps for 30 seconds ​​Exercises as described

11. Alternate side steps for 30 seconds  ​​Exercises as described

12. Walk on spot for 30 seconds  Exercises as described ​

13. Alternate heel taps for 30 seconds, increasing speed slightly Exercises as described

14. Alternate side steps, increasing speed slightly for 30 seconds  Exercises as described ​

15. 2 minute walk gradually increasing your pace  Exercises as described

You have completed the warm-up. The next section is 2 minutes per exercise.

Exercise 1 - Tap backs 

Level 1

Using support if needed, step one leg out behind you, return to the starting position and repeat with opposite leg.
Do not over stretch.  2 minutes Exercise as described

Level 2 

Step one leg out behind you, return to the starting position and repeat with opposite leg.
Do not over stretch. 2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3

Step one leg out behind you, raising both arms forward to chest height at the same time, return to starting position and repeat with opposite leg.
Do not over stretch. 2 minutes  ​    Exercises as described

Level 4

Step one leg out behind you, raising both arms forward to shoulder height at the same time, return to starting position and repeat with opposite leg.
Do not over stretch. 2 minutes  Exercises as described 

Exercise 2 - Forward Arm Reaches 

Level 1 

Keeping your feet moving at all times, start with elbows bent at chest height, straighten one arm out in front of you.
Return to starting position and alternate arms steadily. 2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 2 

Keeping your feet moving at all times, start with elbows bent at chest height, straighten one arm up towards the ceiling. Return to starting position and alternate arms steadily. 
Keep feet moving at the same time. 
You may reach forwards instead if your arms start to tire. 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3

Keeping your feet moving at all times, start with your elbows bent at chest height, straighten one arm up towards the ceiling.
Return to starting position and alternate arms steadily.
Keep feet moving at the same time

2 minutes Exercise as described

Level 4 

Keeping your feet moving at all times, start with your elbows bent at chest height, using a weight, straighen one arm up towards ceiling.
Return to starting position and alternate arms steadily. Keep feet moving at the same time.

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 3 - Step-ups

Level 1 

Step onto a low step, step down using support if needed and repeat. 

2 minutes  Exercises as described

Level 2 

Step up and down onto a step,  repeat. 

2 minutes Exercise as described

Level 3 

Step up and down on a step, curling elbows as you do the exercise. 

2 minutes Exercise as described

Level 4

Step up and down on a step, curling elbows with a light weight in your hands as you do the exercise

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 4 - Marching on the spot 

Level 1 

Arms held loosely at your side, march on the spot, bringing your knees up to a 45º angle.

2 minutes Exercise as described

Level 2 

Arms held loosely at your side, march on the spot, bringing your knees up to hip height. 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3 

March on the spot, bringing your knees up to hip height and swinging your arms

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 4

March on the spot, bringing knees up to hip height and tapping alternate hand onto opposite knee

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 5 - Bicep Curl and Shadow Boxing 

Level 1 

Bicep Curls 

Hands down at sides, palms facing forward. Using a light weight, bend elbows. 
Keep your feet moving throughout

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 2 

Bicep Curls 

Hands down at sides, palms facing forward. Using a weight, bend elbows.
Keep your feet moving throughout

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3 

Shadow Boxing

Punching forward from the waist, using your whole body. Keep your feet moving throughout.

2 minutes  Exercise as described


Level 4 

Shadow Boxing 

Briskly punching forward from the waist using your whole body. Keep your feet moving throughout

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 6 - Sit to Stand 

Level 1 

Sit to stand from a high seat, use your arms as needed

2 minutes  Exercise as desribed

Level 2 

Sit to stand from a seat, with your arms folded

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3 

Sit to stand from a seat with your arms folded 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 4 

Sit to stand from a seat, with your arms outstretched at shoulder height

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 7 - Side Steps and Star Jumps 

Level 1 

Alternate side steps, using support if needed

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 2 

Half star steps, step one leg out to the side, adding a straight arm lift out to the side at the same time

2 minutes   Exercise as described

Level 3 

Half star jumps, step one leg out to the side, adding a straight arm lift at the same time, with bounce

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 4 

Star jumps, alternate 10 full star jumps with 10 half stars

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Exercise 8 - Walk and Jog 

Level 1

Brisk walk around

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 2 

Brisk walk around 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 3 

Brisk walk, swinging your arms 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Level 4 

Jog around 

2 minutes  Exercise as described

Cool Down 

You have now completed the cardiovascular part of the exercise programme.

Please now go on to the Cool Down exercises. DO NOT miss out this stage of the exercises, as it is extremely important that you cool down properly.

1. Walk around gradually decreasing your speed for 2 minutes  Exercise as described

2. Alternate toe/heel taps for 30 seconds on each leg  Exercise as described

3. Alternate side steps for 30 seconds  Exercise as described

4. Heel raises x 10  Exercise as described

5. Trunk twists - stand with your arms out to the side and turn your waist x 10 in each direction  Exercise as described

6. Alternate side bends 10 x each way  Exercise as described

7. Either using a block or the floor, place leg to be stretched straight out in front of you, with heel on the floor, knee straight and toes pointing up to the ceiling. To increase the stretch, bend your supporting knee and hold at the point of stretch for 10 seconds.
Repeat x 2 each leg 

Exercise as decribed

8. Stand, with one leg in front of the other, both feet facing forward. Bend your knee, pushing the heel of your rear leg into the ground. Make sure you remain in an upright position, you should feel a stretch in your calf of the rear leg. 
Hold for 10 seconds and repeat x 2 on each leg 

Exercise as described

9. Stand holding onto a support, bend one knee up behind you, hold onto your ankle or trouser leg. Pull your heel towards your buttocks until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat x 2 for each leg  

Exercise as described

10. Stretch your arms up above your head as far as possible.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat Exercise as described

11. Stretch your arms out behind you, with your palms facing forwards and thumbs pointing upwards.
Hold for 10 seconds x 2  Exercise as described

You have now completed the exercise Program.

You are advised to sit down and rest for 10 minutes to allow your heart rate to return to its resting state.

Seated Exercises 

Warm Up

1. Turn your head to one side, until you feel a stretch. 
Hold for approximately 3 seconds.

Repeat 5 times in each direction Exercise as described

2. Bend your head forward until you feel a stretch behind your neck.
Hold for approximately 30 seconds

Repeat 5 times  Exercise as described

3. Tilt your head towards one shoulder until you feel the stretch on the opposite side

Hold for approximately 3 seconds
Repeat to other side 
Repeat 5 times Exercise as described

4. Sit on a chair. Bend and straighten ankles

Repeat 10 times Exercise as described

5. Bend your left elbow up to your mouth and then straighten your elbow. Try to make the movement slow and controlled. You may require assistance with this exercise, through support at your elbow and wrist/hand.

Ensure your arm is not pulling across your body during the exercise and ensure you are not elevating your shoulder. You could peform the exercise in front of a mirror to check your position.

Repeat 10 times Exercise as described 

Upper backstretch 

1. Sit up straight, back supported

Keep your lower back still and round your upper back (thoracic spine). Note: Try not to shrug your shoulders.

Repeat 10 times  Exercise as described 

2. Sit with your back straight and feet firmly on the floor

Pull your shoulder blades together while turning your thumbs and hands outwards

Repeat 10 times  Exercise as described  


Trunk rotation 

1. Sit up straight on a chair. One hand is placed on the outer side of the opposite thigh/knee and the other hand behind you.

Twist your trunk, assisting with your hands until you feel a stretch in your side and back. Repeat 5 times each way 
Exercise as described

Main Exercises

Sit and lift one arm.  Bend to the side with your arm reaching over your head. Breathe in, then breathe out and return to the starting position

Repeat on each side alternating to 30 seconds Exercise as described

Knee extension in Sitting 

Sit up straight on a sturdy chair, so that your feet are supported on the floor

Bend your ankle and straighten your knee using your front thigh muscles. In a controlled manner, return to the starting position

Repeat for 30 seconds  Exercise as described

Sitting on a chair, lift up heel from the floor and point your toes down

Repeat for 30 seconds Exercise as described

Knee Lift in standing 

Stand and take support if needed

Lift one knee, keeping your pelvis level. Return your leg to the starting position

Repeat for 30 seconds Exercise as described

Mini squat with support

Stand and take support if needed

Squat down and at the same time move your pelvis slightly backwards. Straighten your hips and return to the starting position

Repeat for 30 seconds  Exercise as described

Hip Abduction in standing

Stand tall and take support if needed. Lift your leg sideways and bring it back, keeping your trunk straight throughout the exercise.

Repeat _____ times Exercise as described

Hip Extension in standing 

Stand tall holding onto a chair

Squeeze your buttocks and bring one leg back, keeping your knee straight

Repeat for 30 seconds  Exercise as described

Cool Down Exercises 

1. Turn your head to one side until you feel a stretch  Exercise as described

2. Bend your head forward until you feel a stretch behind your neck. 

Hold for approximately 3 seconds

Repeat 5 times Exercise as described

Upper back stretch 

1. Sit up straight, back supported

Keep your lower back still and round your upper back (thoracic spine). Note: try not to shrug your shoulders

Repeat 10 times  Exercise as decribed

2. Sit with your back straight and your feet firmly on the floor.

Pull your shoulder blades together while turning your thumbs and hands outwards

Repeat 10 times Exercise as described

Trunk Rotation

Sit up straight on a chair. One hand is placed on the outer side of your opposite thigh/knee and the other hand behind you

Twist your trunk, assisting with your hands until you feel a stretch in your side and back

Repeat 5 times each way  Exercise as described

Bend and straighten ankles

Repeat 10 times  Exercise as described

Sit and lift one arm

Bend to the side with your arm reaching over your head. Breathe in, then breath out and return to the starting position

Repeat on each side 5 times Exercise as described

Sit in a chair with one leg straight in front of you

Place your hands on your thigh, just above the knee cap. Lean forwards, keeping your back straight. Straighten your knee, assisting the stretcch with your hands

Hold for 10 seconds

Repeat 2 times on each leg  Exercise as described

Date of Review: December 2023
Date of Next Review: December 2025
Ref No: PI_M_702 (BRO)

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