Ward Environment
Ward 2 is a specialist cardiology ward which cares for patients who have had acute or chronic heart conditions e.g. heart attack, heart failure and heart arrhythmias.
The ward comprises of 18 Beds which care for both male and female patients. We strive to always promote and maintain dignity and privacy for our patients.
Depending on the condition or reason for admission, the management plan may be varied. You may have numerous tests and procedures, both invasive and non-invasive whilst on Ward 2. Initially you may be consistently monitored via bedside or mobile monitoring. This may have already been commenced on the previous ward before transferring to Ward 2. We realise this is a very anxious time for relatives and friends. If you have any worries or feel unsure about any aspect of care, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff for help.
Contact Details
The Ward Manager is Sister Donna Barnes.
Ward Telephone Number is 0161 778 3983.
The Medical/Nursing Team
The Ward Team comprises of cardiac nursing staff that are specifically trained to manage these cardiac conditions in the acute setting. A team of doctors are responsible for the care of patients on the ward – each team is headed up by a cardiologist or medical consultant. If you require an update on your relative’s condition – please speak with the nurse in charge of their care. If they are unable to answer your queries or requests, it may be possible in some instances to arrange an appointment with the cardiologist.
During your stay on Ward 2, it may be necessary for you to be transferred to another medical ward if your condition improves and you no longer require acute monitoring.
Alternatively, you may require an increased amount of care including interventions that may require you to be transferred to a more specialist Unit at another Hospital. If you are transferred, we will always inform your Next of Kin immediately or at a more appropriate time if transferred overnight.
Visiting time is between 2.30pm - 3.30pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm.
This allows patients to get prepared for the day ahead and for doctor ward rounds to take place confidentially.
We request that there are only 2 visitors per bed at any one time.
When a patient is admitted, this can sometimes be in an emergency; therefore, they have not brought in their belongings
e.g. toiletries and clothing. We ask that relatives bring these essential supplies in when visiting, as sometimes these are available on the ward.
Please only bring in essential medications during the patients stay and ideally send valuables home with relatives. If the patient chooses to retain any valuables, the hospital cannot accept any responsibility for their safekeeping
Johns Campaign ‘Carers Welcome’
Ward 2 is proud to support Johns Campaign – encouraging and supporting carers to continue their role whilst in hospital.
For more information about John’s Campaign please visit the website: www.johnscampaign.org.uk
Date of Review: April 2024
Date of Next Review: April 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1929 (Bury)