Emergency and Urgent Care - Wound Care Advice

You have a wound that has been treated with Sutures (stitches), Staples, Steristrips (paper stitches) or Wound Glue. The method used depends on the type of wound. The wound will have been cleaned and an appropriate dressing applied.


  • You have …………….. sutures to your ………………….
  • They should be removed in    days
  • HMR/Oldham/Bury/North MCR patients should contact the District Nurse Treatment Room service to make an appointment – see separate contact details sheet
  • Patients outside this area can contact their GP for details of their local treatment room service.

The length of time the sutures need to stay in depends on where the wound is on your body.

DO NOT attempt to remove the sutures yourself as you will be at risk of further injury and infection.


  • Steristrips are sticky dressings which hold the wound edges together
  • These can be removed in    days
  • You can do this by wetting the wound and strips in warm water and gently peeling them off

Wound Glue

  • Medical glue does not need to be removed; it forms part of the scab and will drop off in approximately 10 days when the wound is healed
  • If wound glue has been used on your head, do not wash your hair for at least 2 days, and do not use a hairdryer until the wound glue has dropped off, as it will melt the wound glue.


  • You have ……………. staples to your …………………
  • They should be removed in    days
  • HMR/Oldham/Bury/North MCR patients should contact the District Nurse Treatment Room service to make an appointment on the following number: see separate contact details sheet
  • Patients outside this area can contact their GP for details of their local treatment room service.

The length of time the staples need to stay in depends on where the wound is on your body.

DO NOT attempt to remove the sutures yourself as you will be at risk of further injury and infection.


Type of dressing applied ..................................................................

Date dressing to be changed ............................................................

Looking after your wound

  • You MUST keep your wound/dressing clean and dry – wash around it where possible
  • You may be given a spare dressing so that if the dressing does get wet you can change the dressing; alternatively, you can return to the Urgent Care Centre if you are unable to change the dressing yourself
  • You MUST NOT cover the wound/dressing with plastic bags or anything waterproof – this will lead to the wound becoming soggy and may cause infection or delayed healing
  • You can take painkillers such as paracetamol if required
  • If you have been given antibiotics, it is important that you take the full course
  • Once the wound closure has been removed, massage the area with non-perfumed moisturising cream 3 times a day for a month; this will encourage good wound healing
  • Always protect the wound with factor 50 sunblock on sunny days

Most wounds take 2-3 weeks to heal but may take a few more weeks to completely settle. It is normal for there to be a small amount of redness and swelling around a healing wound. It can take up to a year for the scar to fade to its final colour.

Some wounds may require re-dressing by the District Nurse – you will be advised if you need to contact them for an appointment at the Treatment Room and when the wound will need to be redressed.

Signs and symptoms of infection

  • The wound has becoming very red, swollen or hot to touch
  • The wound has become very painful
  • There is a discharge coming from the wound
  • The wound starts to come apart
  • The wound has an unpleasant smell

If you develop any of the above signs, then please return to the Urgent Care Centre for further assessment and treatment as soon as possible.


Tetanus is a serious infection that can sometimes get into the body through a wound. It can be prevented with a series of injections. It is currently advised that you do not need further boosters if you have had 5 injections in your lifetime. We will only give you a tetanus injection if you have not had 5 injections in your lifetime, or if you have a particular type of wound that may be prone to developing this infection.

  • You are covered for tetanus YES/NO
  • Tetanus booster given (Revaxis) YES/NO Date:     (this also contains diphtheria and polio vaccinations)
  • Anti-tetanus YES/NO Date:    immunoglobulin given
  • Foreign body present Yes/No
  • Antibiotics given Yes/No Details:

Date of Review: October 2023
Date of Next Review: October 2025
Ref No: PI_M_1833 (Rochdale)

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