Please read the manufacturer's printed information leaflet from inside the pack.
This will give you a step-by-step guide of how to use the drops. It will also provide you with a full list of common side-effects and important information. Speak to your pharmacist for advice or if you’re not sure.
Nasal drops contain an active steroid ingredient to reduce inflammation of the nose. Follow your doctor’s instructions about how often and how many drops to apply.
Treatment with steroid nasal drops can be continued for up to one month. Speak to your pharmacist for advice or if you’re not sure.
How to use it
First, choose a position comfortable – see below
- Blow your nose gently to clear it
- Shake the bottle and remove the protective cap
- Make yourself comfortable in your chosen position
- Insert tip into nostril and apply as per directed
- Stay in this position and continue to breathe in gently and wait for 3 minutes
- Repeat the process in your other nostril if you need it
- You can now sit upright. Wipe the nozzle and reapply the cap.
Some drops come in single application vials, so use the vial and dispose of after use. Read the information leaflet or speak to your pharmacist if you are unsure.
Getting the most from your treatment
Do not apply whilst standing with your head tipped back. The drops flow along the floor of the nose and into the throat. This will reduce the effectiveness and may give an unpleasant taste.
Sniffing hard when applying the drops will draw the medicine into the throat which will reduce the effectiveness and may give an unpleasant taste.
Nasal drops often take several weeks of regular use to be effective. They can be used for up to one month for chronic symptoms. Use the drops regularly, even if your symptoms are controlled.
Speak to your pharmacist for advice or if you are unsure.
Further information can be found at NHS website or dial 111 for any emergency concerns.
Date of Review: September 2024
Date of Next Review: September 2026
Ref No: PI_SU_1990 (Bury)