What to expect following a Bronchoscopy
You may have a sore throat for up to 48 hours.
Following your sedation, for the next 24 hours:-
- Do not attend work
- You cannot LEGALLY drive
- You must not operate machinery
- You must not drink any alcohol
- You should not sign any legally binding agreements
- You must not care for any dependent relatives
- You must have someone to supervise you at home
- Coughing up of blood
- Chest infection
- Breathlessness
If you are feeling unwell in anyway, you should contact your own G.P. or attend the nearest Accident & Emergency Department.
Eating and Drinking
You have to remain Nil By Mouth (NBM) for 1 hour after the procedure until _______________
You may commence your normal diet after this time.
Contact Numbers
If you have any issues following your bronchoscopy, please ring:
Lung Navigator Team - 07813 994614 (For Bury, HMR and Oldham patients)
Fairfield General Hospital Endoscopy Unit - 0161 778 2554 (For Bury, HMR and Oldham patients)
Salford Royal Hospital Respiratory Ward (9am - 5pm) - 0161 206 0358
NHS Direct - 111 (24 Hours)
Date of Review: September 2024
Date of Next Review: September 2026
Ref No: PI_SU_1070 (NCA)