General Surgical Ward - Welcome to Ward B1 at Salford Royal

B1 is a general surgery ward and is situated on the 2nd floor of the Irving building (blue area) at Salford Care Organisation, part of the Northern Care Alliance.

The ward has 18 beds, two seven-bedded bays and four single rooms. Our dedicated, professional ward staff provide 24-hour nursing care.

We are committed to offering you quality care and excellent customer service, ensuring a comfortable and positive experience on our surgical ward.

The services we offer include inpatient care for both emergency and elective surgical procedures for a range of specialities, working closely with specialist nursing teams to ensure the highest standards of care.

Telephone Numbers

The contact numbers for B1 are:
Main Office - 0161 206 2228
Mobile phone - 0161 206 8119
Nursing Station - 0161 206 4602
Nursing Station - 0161 206 4327
Ward matron’s office - 0161 206 2242


As your care provider

  • We aim to provide the right care at the right time to ensure that your needs are met
  • We will discuss and agree any equipment/support that you may need
  • We will fully involve you in planning your discharge, together with a relative, carer or friend as appropriate
  • When your treatment is complete, it is important that your discharge is not delayed

As a patient

  • Please ensure your everyday clothing is available (we aim to have patients dressed in their own clothes where appropriate) and toiletries for your hospital admission
  • You will need to arrange your own transport home, where possible
  • Please let your next of kin know that you’re going home. If you’re unable to get in touch with them, please inform the nurse providing your care
  • Please let us know if you need a medical certificate (sick note)

Infection Control

Due to infection control precautions, the ward is not able to have any flowers, or pot plants at the patient’s bedside. We also advise that any photos, pictures, or letters are laminated, so that they can be cleaned to prevent any infections.


Medication will be supplied on discharge, but this will be a limited supply. You will need to contact your GP as normal to arrange your repeat prescription.

We will discuss your medication with you prior to discharge, please do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding your medications.

If you have any questions after discharge, please discuss with your GP or community pharmacist.

Visiting times

B1 operates an open visiting policy, however there may be times when visiting is limited, to reduce risks and to ensure careful attention to infection prevention.

We request 2 visitors per bed due to space restrictions around the bed areas.

Please be aware that patient mealtimes are protected. It is important that our patients can eat meals without being disturbed, as it is an important part of their treatment, and recuperation.

  • Breakfast is served between 7:30am and 9am
  • Lunch between 12:30pm and 1:30pm
  • Dinner between 5.30pm and 6.30 pm

Menu choices are collected each morning for all inpatients. Specialised diets are catered for, and the hospital maintains a staff of registered dieticians to meet specific dietary needs.

Non-smoking Trust

Prior to admission, please speak to either your GP or pre-op nurse if you smoke, as this is a tobacco free Trust. It might be helpful for you to obtain Nicotine Replacement Patches, or we can refer you to the Smoking Cessation Nurse on your admission.

Quality of Care

It is important to all the surgical team, doctors, nurses, and support staff that the care you receive is of the highest quality and delivered in a professional manner, in a clean and safe environment.

Any concerns or worries you or your family have should be referred to B1 Ward Matron Nichola Trott. Alternatively, you can contact the Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) either through the nursing staff or by phoning them direct.

Discharge Home

Prior to your discharge day, please discuss any concerns you have about your discharge with your nurse or medical team, so they can ensure all questions are answered to your satisfaction.

Please make sure you have any prescribed medications, a sickness certificate (if required) and a copy of your Discharge Summary.


As a ward we value patient feedback to support improvements on the ward. You can do this by using the QR code below or in your information folder at the bottom of the bed. If you need support with this then please ask a member of staff for assistance.

QR code for patient survey

Date of Review: April 2023
Date of Next Review: April 2025
Ref No: PI_SU_1720 (Salford)

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