Gynaecology - Early Pregnancy Loss: Bereavement Support


Pregnancy loss at any gestation can have a profound emotional impact, not only on the woman herself, but also on her partner and family and friends.

It is important within the bereavement stage that women feel they have some form of emotional support.

Emotional impact

The emotional impact of pregnancy loss can be felt immediately however for some women this can be felt several weeks after.

Many women may go through a bereavement period and require some support outside of their family bubble. Women and partners alike, through this bereavement period may experience symptoms such as:

  • Feeling tired
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Shock
  • Guilt

 All these symptoms are a normal part of the bereavement process when dealing with grief.

It is important to also remember that different people grieve in different ways. Some women may find it helpful to discuss their pregnancy loss while other women may find this too painful.

Pregnancy loss can also cause feelings of anxiety or depression which in turn may lead to a breakdown of communication within a relationship.

Men and pregnancy loss

We are aware that men may also be affected by pregnancy loss.

It is common for men to find it hard to express their emotions as they feel they need to be strong and support the mother. Due to this it is extremely important to try and have an open discussion on how you are both feeling.

Bereavement support

There is support available to help you, your partner and your family deal with your loss.

Specialist Nurses

Our Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU) has two experienced early pregnancy specialist nurses who as part of their role provide bereavement support for women who experience pregnancy loss.

If you wish to speak with one of our specialist nurses following your loss you can contact them by ringing the contact number at the end of this leaflet.

Do be aware that this number may go straight to a private voicemail if they are busy however if you leave your name and phone number they will contact you as soon as possible.

Telephone support clinic

You will be provided with a contact card for our bereavement specialist nurse who you can contact for extra support once home. You will receive a message once your home from our bereavement nurse to check in and arrange a telephone conversation for support if required.

Advice and Support contact numbers

Early Pregnancy Specialist Nurse, GAU, The Royal Oldham Hospital
Telephone: 07855162205

Hospital Spiritual & Emotional Team
Telephone: 0161 778 5259

Gynaecology Assessment Unit, The Royal Oldham Hospital
Telephone: 0161 627 8855

Your own GP
They often have access to local counselling services.

The Miscarriage Association (
Information and support can be offered to both partners.
A telephone helpline (01924 200799) is available Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm.

Other useful websites

NHS Choices -

Date of Review: March 2024
Date of Next Review: March 2026
Ref No: PI_WC_1110 (Oldham)

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