Gynaecology - Welcome to Ward F5 - Gynaecology Ward

Welcome to the Gynaecology ward at The Royal Oldham Hospital.

This leaflet aims to provide you, your family, friends and carers with information during your stay on the ward and what to expect at time of discharge.

Ward Manager: Nicola Costello

Ward Telephone Number: 0161 656 1431/1432

About the Ward

Ward F5 has 14 inpatient beds.

Our team of nurses, doctors and support workers care for women with a range of Gynaecology conditions including both pregnancy and non – pregnancy related.

The ward is supported by a team of consultants, speciality doctors, junior doctors, clinical nurse specialists, sisters, staff nurses, support workers, and clerical staff.

Translation and Interpretation Service

Translation and Interpretation Service provides services for over 80 languages. They also provide ‘The British Sign Language’ for patients with sensory difficulties, braille or large text documents for the visually impaired.

Ward Rounds

A doctor’s ward round is carried out each day by the consultant on call and supporting medical team.

To ensure you are kept fully informed about your care and planned date of discharge, we advise you to ask the following questions:

What is the matter with me? What are you considering?
What is going to happen today? Is anything planned for tomorrow?
What needs to happen to get me home?
When am I going home? Is everything going to plan?


We operate a mealtime policy to ensure that patients have an uninterrupted time to eat. If you are assisting your relatives to eat, you are welcome on the ward during protected mealtimes.

Breakfast 8:00am - 9am
Lunch 12 noon - 1pm
Tea 5pm - 6pm

Fresh water is provided throughout the day.

Visiting Times

10am - 8pm daily

We understand that your family and friends may wish to visit during your stay. However, we ask that unless they are there to assist with meals, they do not visit during the protected mealtimes.

We ask that there is a maximum of 2 visitors per bed, as large groups can disturb other patients.

Children are welcome but any child under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

To prevent spread of infection, we advise visitors to use the alcohol hand gel when they arrive and leave, and to use chairs provided to sit at the bedside.

Any planned visitor who has been unwell with symptoms of cough, cold, diarrhoea and/or vomiting should not come to the hospital until symptom free. In the case of diarrhoea and vomiting they need to be free of symptoms for 72 hours.


We aim to provide a smoke free environment and operate a no smoking Policy in buildings and grounds. All no smoking signs carry contact details for the local free NHS stop smoking services. As part of our nursing assessment patients are asked if they smoke. Support and advice are available to patients who would like help to quit smoking.

Zero Tolerance Policy

We are committed to the well-being and safety of our patients and staff. Please treat other patients and staff with courtesy and respect. Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

End PJ Paralysis

During your stay it is important to remain mobile and be as independent as possible. Getting dressed each day can enable this.

Please ask your friends or family to bring you suitable clothing and footwear to wear to facilitate this.

Patient Bedside Boards

Each bed space has an information board for patients to express “what matters to them most” and inform staff of any wishes that may help their stay on the ward. This information is limited due to confidentiality, other information will be about mobility, risks of falling, dementia, able to eat and drink, diabetic, special dietary needs, who their nurse is and what is your preferred name. If you do not want some of these questions completing or wrote on the board, please inform a member of staff.


As soon as possible after your admission we will plan your discharge. Once the doctor has told you that you are fit to go home, we aim for you to be discharged as early as possible.

You should arrange for a family member or friend to collect you. If your medical condition means you need to go home by ambulance the nursing staff will arrange this for you.

To ensure we have available beds for the next patients awaiting admission, once ready to go home, you may be transferred to the discharge lounge to wait to be collected.

Please make sure you take all your belongings with you as well as any take home medicine, discharge letter and specific information leaflets.

Tell us about your stay

We value your feedback, to help us improve our service please complete a Friends & Family card before you leave.


The Trust has an open and honest approach in dealing with concerns. Please speak to the nursing staff who will help you resolve any issues. If your concerns cannot be dealt with on the ward our staff can provide you with information on how to contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) or how to make a formal complaint.

Date of Review: January 2025
Date of Next Review: January 2027
Ref No: PI_WC_059 (Oldham)

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