If you would like any further information or advice on any aspect of your case or treatment, please do not hesitate to contact the Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists.
They can be contacted as follows:
Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm
Telephone : 0161 206 2173 or 0161 206 0210
Switchboard: 0161 789 7373 and ask for bleep 3017 or 3084
Email : firstname.surname@nca.nhs.uk
Further useful contacts:
You can contact the Haematology Unit on 0161 206 5195
The Haematology secretaries are available Monday to Friday 9am-4pm on 0161 206 4982 or 0161 206 4983.
For emergency advice please call the Haematology Advice line on 0161 206 5261.
Date of Review: April 2024
Date of Next Review: April 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1454 (Salford)