Hospital and Care at Home - Hospital and Care at Home Virtual Ward

What is a virtual ward?

Hospital at Home (sometimes called virtual wards) is a service that allows you to receive hospital care, in the comfort of your own home. It is tailored to your specific needs and means you can go back to the place you call home more quickly but still receive care and treatment. We know people can recover better and more quickly at home, which is why we will be doing everything we can to get you there as quickly as possible, when it is safe to do so.

When using the service, you will be monitored by a team of health and care professionals matched to your needs. This can be with or without equipment. You might be given some easy-to- use equipment to use at home. This will monitor things like your blood pressure or your oxygen levels, so we know how you’re doing and if you need extra support or help. We can also visit you at home.

How can patients benefit from being on a virtual ward?

  • Reducing disruption to patient's lives by having the option to remain or return to a familiar environment and receive consultant led treatment
  • Reducing the length of a patient's hospital stay or avoiding admission entirely
  • Reducing the risk of healthcare acquired infections. Family and familiar carer support able to continue at home
  • Can continue with daily routines in your own home

What will happen next?

We will work with you, your family or carer (if you want them to be involved) to assess whether you are suitable to be treated through the service.

We will look at:

  • Your preferences
  • Your health condition
  • The type of treatment you need
  • Your ability to use equipment on your own or with a carer
  • Your ability to understand decisions
  • Support available from your family and carer

Demonstration of equipment

The clinical team will show you the equipment you will be given and demonstrate how to use it. If a family member or friend is looking after you, training on how to use any equipment safely will be provided to them as well. This will take place at the hospital or in your home. You will be able to try the equipment yourself and ask any questions you may have. If you need help setting up the equipment, someone will come to your home to help you.

Ongoing treatment, calls and collection of your data

At home, your clinician will review your care and discuss with you any additional care or treatment you may need to support you at home.

If you need additional support, your team will contact care services to set this up. If you have a family member or friend looking after you at home, they will be provided with relevant information for carer support and referred for a carer’s assessment if appropriate.

If you don’t need any additional support immediately, this can still be discussed later if you find you need help. You will have regular telephone calls with qualified staff. How often you speak to the team will be based on your needs. They might also visit you at home. You will be able to contact your team if you need to.

Outside these hours, you and your family and carer will have access to appropriately skilled support and advice 24/7.

What to do if your health worsens

A care plan will be developed with your clinical team at the start of your care. This will explain what to do if you become unwell at home. If you have a family member or a friend looking after you, the care plan will be shared with them as well. You will be given a contact to use if you have any concerns or if your health worsens. Your team will help you and your family and carer identify early signs of a change in your condition and make sure you know what to do if this happens.

Discharge and return of equipment

Most people are discharged from the service within 14 days. You should be given an expected date of discharge when you begin treatment. The team will talk to you about what happens after that. This will be based on what you need. When you are discharged from the service, the team will make sure you are referred to any other services you may need to continue your recovery. Your team will explain how and when the equipment will be collected. You may be asked to give some feedback about your experience to help improve services.

Contact details

Hospital and Care at Home Team
8am - 10pm 7 days a week - 0161 778 5342 or 07803 821048
Outside of these hours, please contact - 0161 503 5985
If urgent, please call - 111 or 999

If your health worsens at any point and you require emergency care then ring 999 immediately.

Date of Review: September 2024
Date of Next Review: September 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1922 (Oldham)

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