I will arrive at Pendleton Gateway.
I can take the stairs or the lift to the second floor.
I will tell dental reception my name when I arrive.
I will sit in the waiting area. I might have to wait for a while.
I can talk or bring something to do.
When it is my turn the nurse or dentist will come. They will say my name.
They will say hello. I will follow them to the dental room.
The people I will meet:
The dentist and nurse will tell me their names.
They will show me where to sit.
They will ask me and the person with me some questions.
There are no right or wrong answers.
I will lie down in the chair.
I will open my mouth so the dentist can see my teeth.
The dentist will shine a light in my mouth.
The dentist will count my teeth.
If I want to stop I can put my hand up.
If I need a break I can put my hand up.
The dentist will stop.
I can ask questions if I want.
The dentist might want to take a special photograph of my teeth. This is called an x-ray.
I will have to go into a different room to have the photograph taken.
At the end, the dentist will decide when I need to come back.
They will tell me everything that will happen next time.
I can ask questions and help decide what will happen next.
Date of Review: July 2023
Date of Next Review: July 2025
Ref No: PI_C_1780 (Salford)