Integrated & Community Services - Complex Physical Needs (CPN) Service

What is the CPN service?

The Complex Physical Needs Service aims to bring all the specialties involved in your child’s care together to support and manage their health needs. This service is specifically for children with physical disabilities, involving a multi-disciplinary health team. As part of the service we will invite you to clinic with your health team.

Meet the Team

Community Paediatricians

Specialist children’s doctors with training and expertise in development and disability.


Provide care to help promote optimal health and quality of life.

Occupational Therapists

Support children to maximise their ability to participate in daily activities.


Work with children to help improve their movement and physical abilities as they develop and grow.

What happens before the clinic?

You will have an assessment via telephone with a nurse and a clinic assessment with the therapists.

What to expect at the clinic

A conversation between you and all the health professionals involved in your child’s care. This is an opportunity for us to answer any of your questions. You can expect this appointment to last about an hour.

What do I need to bring to the appointment?

Please bring your latest clinic letters from other appointments and a list of any questions you may have.

What happens after the clinic?

We will send you a summary of the discussion as a report with a plan for the next steps. We will also arrange a follow-up clinic session if required.

You will continue to have reviews with your CPN team inbetween CPN clinic appointments.

What if we cannot make the appointment?

If you are unable to make your appointment, then please contact us on the numbers listed below.

Contact us

Springwood School and Swinton Gateway - 0161 206 1773

Chatsworth School, Aim Habonim School and Pendleton Gateway - 0161 921 2231

Date of Review: April 2024
Date of Next Review: April 2026
Ref No: PI_C_1930 (Salford)

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