Integrated & Community Services - A&E Therapy Team

You have been referred by:


The reason for your referral is:


You were seen in A&E by:

We are a team of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and assistants, who will assess you during your time in Accident and Emergency.

The main aim of our service is to assess your mobility, function and ability to manage your activities of daily living before you return home.

We might provide equipment for you to manage safely such as walking aids and we will arrange onward referrals to relevant community teams for support, social care and further assessment once home if you need them.

If you are remaining in hospital, we will handover anything we have identified to the appropriate In-Patient Therapy Team on the ward to ensure your Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy input will continue as required.
We work closely with community services across Oldham, Rochdale, Bury and North Manchester to help with ensuring you receive the best and most appropriate care for your current needs, based on an individual assessment.

Our contact number is 0161 627 8794 and our hours of service are 7am-7.30pm.

We are always looking for ways to improve the service. Please could you take the time to scan the QR code below and leave us your feedback of the Therapy service you have received.
QR code for feedback survey


Date of Review: May 2024
Date of Next Review: May 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1877 (Oldham)

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