Integrated & Community Services - Social story for my audiology trip

I am going to have my hearing checked

Image of a boy cupping his ears

We will walk into the building and use the stairs or lift to go to the right floor

Image of a flight of stairs and a lift

We will wait in the waiting room, we might read my book or play with the toy I brought with me

Image of a reading book and chairs in the waiting room

When it is my turn the audiologist will call my name and I will go into the room

Image of audiologist sat at the desk

We will play some listening games

Image of child with toys playing the listening games

I might wear some special headphones so I can hear the quiet sounds

Image of headphones used

The audiologist might look in my ears with a special torch

Audiologist using a special torch to look into ear

And they might put a soft tip in my ear and make a noise with a machine

Audiologist using a device in ear which makes a noise

The audiologist will tell me what is going to happen next, then we will go

1793 - GIRL WAVING.png


Date of Review: June 2024
Date of Next Review: June 2026
Ref No: PI_DS_1793 (Rochdale)

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