Welcome to our Unit
Salford Royal Intestinal Failure Unit (IFU) is a National Reference Centre (NRC). The unit was the first of its kind in the UK and is a national designated centre for treatment of patients with complex intestinal failure.
We receive referrals for patients from hospitals throughout the UK and beyond.
The unit also manages around 300 patients who receive their parenteral nutrition at home. These patients are referred to as Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) patients and receive regular review in a dedicated HPN outpatient clinic held at the Trust.
Parenteral Support/Nutrition is often referred to as artificial nutrition and is a way of giving your body some or all its nutrition/fluid requirements directly into a vein.
We work closely with homecare companies, who have successfully established the link between hospital and community with regards to parenteral support.
The IFU operates an open visitors policy, however there may be times when visiting is limited in order to reduce risks and to ensure careful attention to infection prevention. The IFU does also protect patient mealtimes and you may be asked to wait in the day room or leave the ward during your visit.
Your support and understanding is appreciated at such times to ensure everyone’s safety to protect your loved one.
Due to nationwide referrals and the speciality of the unit, there is a referral process and this may include a wait for access to the unit. The waiting list is regularly reviewed and priority is given based on clinical need.
Whilst waiting for a bed, the unit is always on hand to give advice and support to referring centres in our role as NRC.
Your stay
In order for the specialist team to treat you, it is not unusual for your stay to last for a few weeks. However, home leave is encouraged and can be arranged when appropriate.
What to expect
When you first arrive there may be investigations and further tests/studies arranged for you. Although clinicians do liaise with your referring provider, the specialist nature of the unit may require tests to be repeated. Sometimes this can cause your plan of care to change from that outlined before your admission.
As your health improves you will be encouraged to keep active and spend time off the unit; although this could be limited or not advised at times in order to reduce risks and to ensure careful attention to infection prevention. If appropriate and possible spending time at home for a few hours or overnight (home leave) can be arranged.
Our facilities
We appreciate that you may be far from home and the team will endeavour to make your stay as comfortable as possible. With this in mind we offer:
- Free TV and radio (where available)
- Free laundry and ironing facilities
- A designated patient’s kitchen with microwave, dishwasher and drink making facilities
- A day room with wide screen TV, Wii console, a variety of books, DVD’s, craft making and puzzles.
Close to the unit there is a chaplain service and spiritual room for religious needs. In addition there is a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) nearby, food outlets, pharmacy, newsagents and cash points.
Our dedicated staff are on hand to help when required, including our house keeper who is available every week day to ensure your day to day needs are met.
IFU staff
The IFU is staffed by a large specialist team of health care professionals. Skilled and specialist nurses supported by Health Care Assistants (HCA’S) will assess, plan and implement your care on a daily basis.
During the week there is a structured ward round every morning with the doctors who are based on the unit. Student nurses also have supervised placements on the unit.
The collaborative team consists of physicians, specially trained nurses, highly specialised dietitians, psychologists, medical and surgical registrars, pharmacists, occupational therapist (OT) and physiotherapists.
We meet regularly to deliver holistic Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) care to ensure high quality treatment is delivered.
Depending on bed occupancy and clinical need you may be admitted or transferred during your stay to another ward.
However, if you are moved to another ward within the hospital, please be assured your care will not be compromised as you will remain under the care of the IFU and be visited by IFU doctors and/or the IFU outreach nurse practitioner to ensure your care and daily needs are maintained.
Infection control/handwashing
Visitors are asked to wash their hands on entering and leaving the ward and to refrain from sitting on beds. Also, please don't bring any personal bedding or pillows with you as these will be supplied as per Infection Control policies.
As the Trust is not responsible for personal property it is advisable not to bring valuables with you.
A small cabinet/wardrobe is provided for limited clothes and personal belongings.
Your own clothes are encouraged on the unit.
Car parking
Information regarding a subsidised pass for long term visitors can be obtained from the ward clerk or the housekeeper.
Contact us:
0161 206 4520 – Reception - clinical
0161 206 5116/2845 – Administration Office
Further contacts:
Medical issues
Acutely unwell – local hospital
Temperature and/or unwell – GP or local hospital*
Central line cultures may need to be obtained*
Medical issues – GP
Stoma Care
Sore skin – local stoma nurse
Stoma supplies – local stoma nurse
Leaky stoma appliance – consider restricting oral intake or nil by mouth
Line Care Issues
Pump issue - homecare provider
Stock issue – home care provider
Sluggish line – home care provider*
Infusion problem – home care provider and/or IFU Outreach nurse
Blocked line – IFU Outreach nurse, ward*
Admitted to local hospital – consider using alternative catheter access if possible and inform home care provider.
Home Parenteral Support (HPS)/Enteral Nutrition (EN) Issues
Clinical appointments
HPS delivery problems
Complaints/concerns with home care provider – IFU
Administration Office (9am-4pm). Voicemail during busy periods.
*May require a visit to Ward H8 as a ward attender – only by arrangement.
Further information
For further details on the Service and our team, please visit the link below or use the QR code (using your camera) to be directed to our webpage:
Date of Review: February 2024
Date of Next Review: February 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1191 (Salford)