Patient Information leaflets
The information found on this page has been developed to help you understand more about your upcoming or recent procedure.
The files have been listed alphabetically for ease to help you locate relevant information. You can continue searching categories, using the page numbers at the bottom of the webpage.
Disclaimer: Leaflets are not available for all conditions/services. All outdated leaflets are removed monthly from the webpage to prevent outdated information being published.
If you require any additional support, please contact the ward/dept in the first instance or alternatively you can visit for further information.
Community Paediatric Service PI_C_1883 (Oldham)
Community Rehabilitation and Falls PI_C_1335 (Oldham)
Community Rehabilitation and Falls Service PI_C_1486 (Salford)
Community Rehabilitation and Falls Team Initial Contact PI_C_1725 (Oldham)
Community Stroke and Neurological Rehabilitation Team PI_C_1357 (Salford)
Complex Physical Needs (CPN) Service PI_C_1930 (Salford)
Enhanced Health Visiting Service PI_C_1655 (NCA)
Falls Sensors - Information for Care Homes PI_C_1665 (NCA)
Hand Fractures PI_ICS_2022 (Oldham)
Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale (HMR) Amputee Service PI_ICS_1933 (HMR)
High impact substance misuse team PI_C_1805 (Salford)
HMR Children's Integrated Community Services Team Assessment PI_C_1719 (Rochdale)
HMR Community Stroke Team PI_C_1970 (HMR)
HMR Rapid Response Team PI_C_1873 (HMR)
iBasis Intervention PI_ICS_2017 (Bury)
Integrated Community Diabetes Service PI_C_1619 (NCA)
Joint and Soft Tissue Injection (HMR) PI_C_1815 (HMR)
Low Vision Clinic - Community Eye Service PI_C_1532 (Bury)
Lower Limb Lymphoedema and Chronic Oedema Discharge Advice PI_ICS_1987 (Oldham)
Medlock Court Intermediate Care PI_M_1321 (Oldham)