Neurophysiology - Video Telemetry Test (VT)


Video Telemetry is an extended EEG (brainwave) test taken over a period of several days. With your consent, you will be videoed (sound and pictures) so that the doctor can look at what happens to your brain wave activity when you experience a symptom/ event or seizure.

Most patients require five days monitoring although a few may require a shorter period. Only medical staff involved in your care may access this information (please see Privacy section).

Why perform a VT?

VT when combined with a history, examination and scan results may help to diagnose your events/symptoms of which you’ve been suffering or confirm the area of your brain from where your seizures (fits) start if you suffer from epilepsy. Your referring consultant will be able to explain why it is important for you to have this test.

How is VT performed?

VT takes place in hospital. You will attend the Acute Neurology Unit (ANU) on the day of your appointment, where you will have electrodes placed on your head and shoulders using a sticky paste and special glue. The electrodes on your shoulders record your heart rate.

On the ward you will remain in a single side room with en-suite bathroom for the duration of your test. It is important that you are 'on camera' as much as possible so that your events/ symptoms/seizures are not missed.

Toilet and bathroom breaks are not recorded on video.
There are specially trained nurses on the ward to look after you if you should have an event/symptom/seizure and a technician will check on you daily.

You will be able to move around your room, wash yourself, watch TV or use personal CD/DVD players, ipods, laptop, mobile phones etc. A free TV is provided in the room. WIFI is also available.

You will not be allowed to smoke or use e-cigarettes in hospital. You will have the opportunity to see the smoking cessation nurse who will provide you with nicotine patches/inhalator for the duration of your stay.

At the end of recording the electrodes are removed and most of the glue and paste is cleaned from your head. Any residue will wash out after a few washes.

What are the side effects and risks?

There are no side effects to having the Video Telemetry EEG itself. It is painless. In exceptional cases, people with sensitive skin may experience redness at one or more of the electrode sites.

The doctor may want to reduce or stop your medication and/or sleep deprive you to increase the chance of you having an event/ symptom/seizure. There is a risk that you will experience events/ symptoms/seizures for which you’ve been referred.

You may drink and eat normally throughout the day.

What happens if I decide to have VT?

A letter will be sent to you to ask you to phone and make an appointment. You need to reply within 3 weeks of the date of your letter.

What to bring with you (please prepare for five days stay)

  • Day and nighttime clothes, we suggest that you try to bring shirts, blouses and pyjama tops that button up the front
  • Slippers and dressing gown
  • Soap, facecloth, toothpaste, toothbrush etc. You will be unable to shower, bathe or wash your hair during your admission but you will have a private en-suite bathroom where you can wash
  • Books, magazines, puzzle books etc
  • Personal CD/DVD players, ipods, laptop, mobile phone etc
  • All current medication

Your referring doctor will usually see you with the test results at a later date.

What if I decide not to have VT?

Your referring consultant will need to discuss the likely consequences of this decision. For example, he/she may find it difficult to diagnose and/or treat your condition.

After the test

There is a lot of information to look at. It can take a few weeks for the consultant Neurophysiologist to look at it properly and finalise the report. Your referring consultant will then discuss the results with you.

Is there anything else I should know?

  • Please remove all nail varnish before admission
  • Please arrive in good time for your appointment. If you think you will be late, please ring us as soon as possible
  • Visitors can attend. Please check with the staff on the ward for current visiting times
  • Please inform the department if you are pregnant. We are unable to admit you if you are more than 22 weeks pregnant
  • The test can’t read your thoughts or emotions
  • Please note: There are no facilities for childcare while you are having your test.
  • If you are currently taking any medications you should continue to do so, unless otherwise advised by a doctor. Please bring your medications with you
  • If you require an ambulance, you should contact your own GP to make the arrangements. Please let us know if you will be coming by ambulance

Don’t hesitate to ring us if you have any further concerns or questions on 0161 206 3141.


We take issues regarding your privacy extremely seriously and will not show your videos to anyone who is not authorised to look at it. We treat the videos as part of your confidential medical record.

We always ask for your consent before showing videos at clinical meetings, for publication in medical journals or for teaching/ research purposes as with medical students.

Contact details

Telephone: 0161 206 3141
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology,1st Floor, Barnes Building Salford Royal Hospital, Stott Lane, Salford, M6 8HD.

Date of Review: December 2024
Date of Next Review: December 2026
Ref No: PI_M_1437 (Salford)

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