Obstetrics - Preterm Birth Clinic

Why have I been referred to the Preterm Birth Clinic?

You have been offered an appointment for further assessment in our Specialist Clinic. This is because you have been assessed by your Midwife and she has referred you as you have a higher chance of preterm delivery in your current pregnancy, as you have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • One or more previous spontaneous preterm birth, less than 34 weeks
  • Previous premature rupture of membranes less than 34 weeks
  • Previous surgery to the cervix
  • Previous cervical stitch
  • An abnormally shaped uterus

What happens next?

You will be allocated an appointment in the Preterm Clinic within the Complex Pregnancy Department at The Royal Oldham Hospital.

Contact Number - 0161 778 5183

Please Note – It is essential you allow enough time for parking to ensure you arrive for your appointment on time.

What is Pre-term Birth Clinic?

This is a Specialist Clinic with a team of Consultants and Midwives with a special interest in pre-term birth prevention. The clinic aims to reduce the chance of you having a premature delivery or a late miscarriage, relating to cervical incompetency (weak cervix).

What happens at the Preterm Birth Clinic?

During your first visit you will see a consultant and your individual risk factors will be assessed.

An individual care plan will be discussed with you. This will reflect whether you would be likely to benefit from treatment or interventions.

What tests will I have?

Urine test and vaginal swab
This is to check for infection, as some infections can make premature birth more likely. If an infection is identified, treatment can be arranged promptly. This is repeated monthly during your pregnancy.

Ultrasound Scan – usually a transvaginal scan
This is an internal scan where the ultrasound probe is gently inserted into the vagina. Often women feel anxious about this procedure, but it is generally tolerated very well. It allows the most accurate form of measurement of the cervix.

Please note you must inform us if you have any allergies – especially to latex.

The purpose of the scan is to measure the length of your cervix and to monitor if the length of the cervix is shortening.

Fetal Fibronectin (fFN) Vaginal swab
You may be offered this test to enable us to calculate the chance of preterm birth occurring within the next 7-10 days.
These tests are safe for you and your baby.

What treatment may I be offered?

Monitoring-watch and wait
You will have regular cervical length scans every 2-3 weeks until 24 weeks gestation.

Progesterone pessaries
This is a hormone that is considered to play a role in maintaining pregnancy.

Cervical Stitch
A cervical stitch may help to keep your cervix closed, which can reduce the chance of you having a late miscarriage or premature birth.

This is usually put in between 12 and 24 weeks of pregnancy and then removed at 36-37 weeks.

Symptoms to Report

If you have any unusual or concerning symptoms, please report these promptly so appropriate treatment can be started early.

During office hours please contact Preterm Birth Clinic - 0161 778 5183

Out of Hours please contact Triage 0161 627 8179

Date of Review: April 2023
Date of Next Review: April 2025
Ref No: PI_WC_1727 (Oldham)

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