Occupational Therapy - Splint Care

Instructions for Splint

  1. It is important to wear the splint at the times indicated by the therapist
  2. DO NOT alter the splint in any way
  3. DO NOT leave the splint where it will get too hot as the material may melt (i.e. sun, radiator, hot water)
  4. The splint and straps may be washed in lukewarm soapy water
  5. If there is any redness, swelling, numbness, discomfort or increased pain, contact the department immediately. If this occurs out of office hours, contact your GP immediately or attend your local accident and emergency department

Follow up/future care

  • If a follow-up appointment is required, it is important you attend. If you are unable to attend, please inform the Hand Therapy Dept giving as much notice as possible.
  • Please bring your splint(s) to every appointment
  • If your splint is lost, you may be charged for a replacement
  • If in the future there are any problems with your splint (i.e. that it is poorly fitting, or straps become lost etc, please contact the Hand Therapy Department, Salford Royal Hospital on 0161 206 5319 (this is an answerphone so please leave a message) or email hand.therapy@nca.nhs.uk.

Alternatively, you can ring the hospital switchboard on 0161 789 7373 and ask to bleep 3564 (Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 4.00pm).

Ask for Hand Therapist:

Wearing Instructions

Date of Review: July 2024
Date of Next Review: July 2026
Ref No: PI_DP_1536 (Salford)

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