- Try to rest when you get home
- Do not remove your eye shield/dressing until the morning after your operation (unless advised otherwise)
- If you have any pain or discomfort you may take a painkiller. Please take as directed on the packet and do not exceed the recommended dose
Please remember to wash your hands before and after attending to your eye
- Once you remove your eye shield/dressing, bathe your eye using cooled boiled water with cotton wool. Dip the cotton wool into the water and wipe your eyelid with the eye closed from the nose towards your ear, using a fresh piece each time
- Do not rub or touch the operated eye
- Once the eye has been cleaned, you will then need to put the drops into your eye as prescribed
- The eye shield is to be worn for four nights at bedtime only
- You can wash your hair but do avoid getting shampoo into the operated eye
- Wear your present glasses if they help. Do not get new glasses until advised to do so at your appointment
- You may read and watch the television as usual
- No swimming or contact sports for 6 weeks
- Try to avoid dusty atmospheres
Please seek advice from the doctor/nurse at the eye clinic, or an optician, before driving any vehicle. It is illegal to drive if your vision is below driving standard, as your insurance will not cover you.
What to expect after surgery
Due to the nature of the surgery, you may experience blurred vision, foreign body sensation and watering in the operated eye. This will take time to clear.
Please contact the hospital if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Excessive pain
- Loss of vision
- Increasing redness of the eye
Contact Details
The Royal Oldham Hospital, Oldham
A&E Department - 0161 627 8923 Friday 5pm until Monday 9am
Oldham Integrated Care Centre Eye Clinic - 0161 357 5101 Monday to Friday 9am - 4.30pm
Rochdale Infirmary, Rochdale
Eye Clinic - 01706 517109
Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm. Friday 9am until 12.30pm
Eye Ward - 01706 901766
Urgent Care Centre - 01706 517005
Monday to Friday after 8pm. Friday 8 pm until Monday 9am.
Fairfeld General, Bury
Eye Outpatients Clinic - 0161 778 2804
Accident & Emergency – 0161 778 2600
After 8pm Monday to Friday, Friday 8pm until Monday 8am
Date of Review: October 2023
Date of Next Review: October 2025
Ref No: PI_SU_022 (BRO)