Ophthalmology - Intravitreal Injections

The injections are known as “anti-VEGF” drugs (VEGF stands for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor). VEGF is a chemical that stimulates the abnormal growth of these new fragile blood vessels.

Therefore these injections are the treatment of choice, as they inhibit the growth of blood vessels by targeting a specific type of protein which is thought to cause this growth.

How is anti-VEGF treatment given?

  • It is a sterile treatment, which is normally done as a day case procedure in a ‘clean’ room fit for that purpose
  • To prepare you for your treatment, you will have anaesthetic and antibiotic drops instilled to your eye
  • For the procedure, you will be taken into the ‘clean’ room. Anaesthetic drops will be instilled into your eyes which will numb the eye ready for the injection
  • The injection will then be given by a Nurse Specialist into the vitreous, which is the jelly-like substance in the eye, followed by antibiotic drops to reduce infection
  • Before you leave, you will be given advice
  • Eye out-patient appointments will be made appropriately and sent to you after the procedure

What to expect after surgery

After the injection, you may notice black swirls in your vision. This is the drug floating around your eye. They may be a nuisance, but will gradually disperse over the next few weeks. The injection may have to be repeated at regular intervals.

Risks and complications

  • Cerebral Vascular Accident (a bleed to the brain) may affect 1:200,000
  • Bleeding inside the eye
  • Eye pressure may rise after the injection
  • Eye discomfort
  • Worsening redness
  • Inflammation/infection
  • Light sensitivity
  • Floaters
  • Changes to vision

If you should experience any of the following:

  • Severe pain
  • Loss of vision
  • Severe increase in redness of the eye

Then please contact us as a matter of urgency.

Contact Details

Macular Clerk: Sandra Lear 01706 901704 (Mon - Fri 9am - 2pm).

The Royal Oldham Hospital
A&E Department – 0161 627 8923 Friday 5pm until Monday 9am
Oldham Integrated Care Centre Eye Clinic – 0161 357 5101 Monday – Friday 9.30 am - 4.30 pm

Rochdale Infirmary
Eye Clinic – 01706 517109
Monday - Friday between 9am and 5pm.
Eye Ward – 01706 901766
Urgent Care Centre – 01706 517005
After 8pm Monday to Friday. Friday 8pm to Monday 9am

Fairfield Hospital, Bury
Eye Ward and Eye Clinic - as per Rochdale Infirmary contact details
A&E Department – 0161 778 2600
After 8pm Monday to Friday. Friday 8pm until Monday 8am

Date of Review: August 2023
Date of Next Review: August 2025
PI_SU_494 (BRO)

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