We are sorry to hear you had an injury. This advice is designed to help you get better as quickly as possible. During your recovery we may contact you to improve the service for future patients.
Please contact us if:
- You are worried about anything in this plan or have any questions
- You do NOT wish to be contacted about your injury
- If you are having pain or swelling in a different part of your body
- If you still have significant pain and/or swelling 6 weeks after your injury
- You notice that your finger is curling under or over the one next to it
Helpline - 0161 206 4892. You can leave a message anytime. We will aim to return your call within 24 hours (except weekends).
Tuft fracture
A tuft fracture is a break in the tip of your finger. A broken finger is a common injury. A fresh injury in this area is painful, swollen and bruised. A splint may have been applied to support it. The most common cause of this injury is trapping your finger and sometimes your nail might be damaged too. If you have a wound you will be given separate advice for this.
Important information about smoking
FACT: Broken bones take longer to heal in people who smoke. In extreme cases, it can stop healing altogether.
GOOD NEWS: Stopping now will make the difference and give you the best results.
HELP: Go to: www.smokefree.nhs.uk or https://www.salford.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/health-services/ quit-smoking/ or have a chat with your GP.
If you live in Salford, you can refer yourself online to our physiotherapy department using this website www.northerncarealliance.nhs.uk/go2physio
If you do not live in Salford or have no internet access, then ask your GP to refer you.
Injury recovery
- It takes up to 6-12 weeks to recover from this injury. It will often be quicker in children
- Pain and swelling are normal. Take simple painkillers e.g. paracetamol for as long as you need to, do not exceed the recommended dose. Pharmacies can further advise
- A splint can be worn for up to 2 weeks if provided. Not everyone needs one
- It is very important to start your exercises as soon as possible
- Attempt to make a full fist and straighten your fingers as early on as possible
- If you need more advice on exercise or your recovery please refer yourself to physiotherapy
What to do in the first 24-72 hours to reduce pain and swelling
- Ice is very good at reducing swelling and pain. Wrap an icepack (or bag of frozen peas) in a tea towel and put it on your hand. Leave for 5-10 minutes and repeat every 2-3 hours
- Gentle movement of the elbow, wrist and hand creates blood flow to the injury. This helps it to heal and also reduces swelling. Start your exercises as soon as possible. Doing them after ice often feels better
- You should keep your hand elevated (higher than your heart) as much as possible to reduce swelling
Injury warning!
- If you are worried about your finger or develop stiffness after 2 weeks call the helpline
- It is quite normal for some swelling to persist for many months
- This should not affect your function or movement after 6 weeks
It is important that you contact your insurance company to tell them about your injury. You may be able to drive when you feel safe to perform an emergency stop and fully operate your vehicle.
You should not play any sport until pain-free and have full movement.
Nutrition tips
- You can help your body to recover by eating the right food
- Drink lots of water
- Protein, calcium and vitamin D work together to help your body to repair
- Foods high in protein: Seafood, meat, dairy, eggs, beans and soya
- Foods high in calcium: Dairy, almonds, seeds, oily fish, beans and lentils
- Dark leafy greens like kale, broccoli and cabbage also help calcium absorption
- Foods high in vitamin D: Oily fish, milk, cheese and eggs
- Eat less sugar and alcohol, as sugar reduces calcium absorption
Date of Review: September 2024
Date of Next Review: September 2026
Ref No: PI_SU_1509 (Salford)