Orthotics - Footwear adaptations


This leaflet is for people who have had their footwear adapted by the Orthotics Service. It will explain how to care for the footwear and other important information about the Orthotics service.

We hope you find this information useful.

If you require further information or you are unable to attend an appointment, please telephone the Orthotics department where the appointment has been made as soon as possible:

Bury, Rochdale or Oldham: 0161 778 2670
Email: nca.orthotics@nca.nhs.uk

Salford: 0161 206 4912
Email: salford.orthotics@nca.nhs.uk

For further information about our service, please visit:


Our sites are open for collection and dropping off devices:

Bury: Tuesdays only
Rochdale: Thursdays only
Oldham: Mondays only
Salford: Monday - Friday

What is a footwear adaptation?

The adaptations to your footwear have been prescribed to provide control and support to your feet and lower limbs and/or alter the way in which you walk.

If you experience any changes in your foot or medical condition or if you feel that the footwear provides inadequate control you must let the Orthotics department know immediately.

What kind of footwear can be adapted?

In order for footwear to be adapted it must be of a solid construction as the sole may need to be split from the upper to accommodate the adaptation and then rejoined. The style of the shoe is also important as it is unsafe to adapt shoes with a thin heel or flimsy upper such as sandals or shoes with a t-bar.

We will not be able to adapt any shoes that are not of the correct construction or those we deem unsafe to adapt.

What is my entitlement?

We will adapt three pairs of shoes/boots in the first year and thereafter up to two pairs per year dependant on clinical need. We will repair the adapted part of the footwear. Regular repair maintains the effectiveness of the adaptations and prolongs the life of your footwear.

Repair of footwear

When the adaptation needs repairing, please bring the footwear to the Orthotics department and providing the footwear has been looked after we will repair it. Please note for Health and Safety reasons footwear will only be accepted for repair if it is in a clean and dry condition.

Theft, loss or damage to your footwear

If your footwear is stolen you will need to obtain a crime number from the police before we are able to adapt a further pair of shoes.

If the adapted footwear is lost or damaged (either accidentally or maliciously) you will be asked to pay for adaptations to replacement footwear. The average cost of footwear adaptation is £80.00.

How can I ensure my adaptation is effective?

  • Ensure that shoes are fastened securely
  • Have your shoes repaired regularly

How should I care for my footwear?

  • Clean footwear regularly with shoe polish for leather and a brush for suede or nubuck
  • Allow to dry naturally, away from direct heat sources such as the radiator
  • Look after your adapted shoes and return them for repair when necessary

What problems should I be aware of?

If you notice any of the following, please contact the Orthotics department as soon as possible.

  • Any continued additional discomfort or instability as a result of the adaptations
  • Any damage to the footwear adaptation

Further appointments

Following the supply of your adapted footwear you will be reviewed at the discretion of the Orthotist. However, if you feel your condition has not improved, has worsened or you are experiencing problems with the footwear you can ask to see the Orthotist by telephoning the Orthotics department where you had your original appointment.

Date of Review: December 2023
Date of Next  Review: December 2025
Ref No: PI_DS_266 (NCA)

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