Orthotics - Gaiters

What is this leaflet about and who is it for?

This leaflet is for the patients, relatives and carers of people who have been provided with gaiters by the Orthotics service. It will explain how to care for the gaiters and other important information about the Orthotics service.

We hope you find this information useful.

If you require further information or are unable to attend an appointment, please telephone the Orthotics department where the appointment has been made for you as soon as possible:

Bury, Rochdale or Oldham: 0161 778 2670
Email: nca.orthotics@nca.nhs.uk

Salford: 0161 206 4912
Email: salford.orthotics@nca.nhs.uk

For further information about our service, please visit:


Our sites are open for collection and dropping off devices:

Bury: Tuesdays only
Rochdale: Thursdays only
Oldham: Mondays only
Salford: Monday - Friday

What do the gaiters do?

Gaiters are fabric orthoses which are worn on either the arms or legs and are designed to keep the elbows or knees straight. The reason for needing to keep these joints in a straight position can vary and the Orthotist and/or Physiotherapist will be able to explain the reasons.

What is the entitlement?

The entitlement is for one single gaiter or one pair of gaiters if both limbs are affected. A second/replacement item or pair will only be provided if:

  • The orthoses are required for a long period
  • The originals are deemed to be clinically ineffective
  • If the original orthoses are beyond repair

Theft, loss or damage of the gaiters

If the gaiters are stolen you will need to obtain a crime number from the police before we are able to order a replacement.

If your gaiters are lost or damaged (either accidentally or maliciously) you will be asked to pay for their replacement. The average replacement cost of a pair of gaiters is £100.

How should the gaiters be worn?

  • Undo all velcro straps and lay the gaiter out on an appropriate flat surface with the lining side facing up
  • Carefully manually straighten the limb (arm or leg) and place it onto the gaiter, being careful to ensure that the narrowest part (the bottom) is in line with the wrist or ankle
  • Wrap the gaiter around the limb, ensuring the tongue section is placed underneath the overlap
  • Fasten all velcro straps securely but not over tightly (comfortably firm is a good guide)

How should I care for the gaiters?

  • Any removable stiffening strips should be taken out, making note of the pocket from which they came
  • The gaiters should ideally be hand washed in lukewarm water, using a gentle detergent such as Lux or Woolite
  • Alternatively the gaiters can be washed in a washing machine on a woollens’ cycle
  • Allow to dry naturally, away from direct heat sources such as the radiator
  • Once dry, replace all stiffening strips into their original pockets
  • You are responsible for looking after the gaiters and returning them for repair as and when necessary

What problems should I be aware of?

If you notice any of the following, please contact the Orthotics department as soon as possible on the telephone number at the start of this leaflet:

  • Skin redness that doesn’t fade after 15-20 minutes
  • Sores or blisters on the skin
  • Pain, irritation or rubbing
  • Any damage to the gaiters

Further appointments

You will not be given a further appointment automatically. However, if you feel your condition has not improved, has worsened or you are experiencing problems with your gaiters you can ask to see the orthotist for a review by telephoning the orthotic department where you had your original appointment.

Date of Review: December 2023
Date of Next Review: December 2025
Ref No: PI_DS_429 (NCA)

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